Wednesday, April 30, 2003

fun, fun, fun under the sun

yep yep, i'll be doing that, in like, oh, 8 hours. but i'm still here in the office. i have lots of reports to send to my boss. oh well, at least, she approved my vacation leave. sigh. i have a total of 9 reports to send. i have 4 more reports to go.

i have lots to blog like the last 3 movies i saw, the things i bought for this Puerto Galera outing, and the ninja escape-ades. but i don't have time to write it down. when i come back from my 4-day vacation, i promise, i'll write it down. i'll just have to settle for this quickie blog then.

Sunday, April 27, 2003

e-scent-ial information

i logged on to the Bath and Body Works website to check out their newest scents only to find out that their website sucks. big time! too bad, there's no online shopping. but this lacking feature is forgivable. what's worse and unforgivable is that there's no online catalog. c'mon, how will people know your products if there are no tidbits of info available on your freaking official website? *roar* i'm also wondering why the Victoria's Secret website has online shopping and the Bath and Body Works has none when they're from the same company? super hmpf.


i took the test "What Dave Matthews Song Are You?" and the result, i'm song #41, from the album Crash.


Dave Matthews Band

Come and see
I swear by now I'm playing time
I against my troubles
I'm coming slow but speeding
Do you wish a dance and while I'm
in the front
the play on time is won
but the difficulty is coming here

I will go in this way
And find my own way out
I wont tell you to stay
But I'm coming to much more
All at once the ghosts come back
Reeling in you now
What if they came down crushing
Remember when I used to play for
all of the loneliness that nobody
notice now
I'm begging slow I'm coming here
Only waiting I wanted to stay
I wanted to play
I wanted to love you

I'm only this far
And only tomorrow leads my way

I'm coming waltzing back and moving into your head
Please, I wouldn't pass this by
I would take any more than
What sort of man goes by
I will bring water
Why wont you ever be glad
It melts into wonder
I came in praying for you
why wont you run
in the rain and play
let the tears splash all over you

Saturday, April 26, 2003

i'm pathetic

i want to blog but i have nothing to blog. so that makes me seriously pathetic. ugh!

“Oh, but you can. You know I’d drain you drier than the Sahara if I had half a chance. And besides, I’m beyond pathetic. Stuck in this basement washing skivvies for a blighter I wouldn’t have bothered to bite a few months ago.”
------------- Spike on the Buffy, The Vampire Slayer Episode # 67

and they're not

while trying to make something good out from my current pathetic state, i "discovered" at first i thought it was a website where one can post pathetic situations and happenings. but *waves index finger* instead, it's a community site for poets and poetry enthusiasts. hmmm, great discovery huh? do check out their site. you might find the perfect poem there ü

Friday, April 25, 2003

the friday five for april 25

1. What was the last TV show you watched?

i was watching the noontime show earlier from the competitor broadcasting channel. oops. well, you gotta check out what the competition is doing from time to time, right? ü

2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem?

i complained about my boss and she is my problem. see april 22 post.

3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?

Summer Breeze. your screensaver is soooooo nice. i wish our future aquarium would look something like that.

i admit, that wasn't really a compliment. that was a scripted compliment. we were hoping that Emoticons would finally agree that our future aquarium would have cute, girly stuff :p so i said that to Summer Breeze to get on Emoticons' nerves. hee hee.

4. What was the last thing you threw away?

the can of beer after i finished drinking the beer (what else!).

5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? i was checking my Hotmail inbox.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

food poisoning

Cranberries was rushed to the hospital today because of food poisoning. the main culprit to her medical crisis was the egg sandwich she had for breakfast. get well soon Cranberries!

when i was food poisoned, it was due to the Bagoong Rice i ate at SR Thai. that was way back 3rd year college. i can still remember the unbearable pain in my stomach, how i was squirming in the taxi, how panicked my mom was, and how i was very well attended by my beautiful dorm mates. i hope it won't happen again. ever.

here's a comprehensive reference on food poisoning.

watch what you eat.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

what is a boss?

while deleting old emails earlier, i came across an email with the following content, which is so apt with my current situation. i SO hate her. ho hum. what else is new? *yawn* mygad! i can't believe i am boring my own self. anyways, here's the email i found.

When you take a long time, you're slow.
When your boss takes a long time, he's thorough.

When you don't do it, you're lazy.
When your boss doesn't do it, he's too busy.

When you make a mistake, you're an idiot.
When your boss makes a mistake, he's only human.

When doing something without being told, you're over stepping your authority.
When your boss does the same thing, that's initiative.

When you take a stand, you're being bullheaded.
When your boss does it, he's being firm.

When you overlooked a rule of etiquette, you're being rude.
When your boss skips a few rules, he's being original.

When you please your boss, you're an ass-kisser.
When your boss pleases his boss, he's being cooperative.

When you're out of the office, you're wandering around.
When your boss is out of the office, he's on business.

When you're on a day off sick, you're always sick.
When your boss is a day off sick, he must be very ill.

When you apply for leave, you must be going for an interview.
When your boss applies for leave, it's because he's overworked.

When you send jokes its junk mail,
When your boss sends jokes its humour!

Monday, April 21, 2003

on board

i spent the rest of my Holy Week at Rhythm's house. if we were not watching TV, sleeping, eating, or swimming in the pool, we were definitely playing one of the following board games:

Board Game: The Game of Life

last thursday was my first time to play this game. nice game!!!! super aliw!!!! i was the big loser in my first 2 games, hehe. but at the very least, i won 1 game ü i'm saving up money so that i can buy my own piece of this ü

Board Game: Upwords

i first played Upwords at i really enjoy playing this game everytime, even if i lose, because it "refreshes" my vocabulary. too bad, has pulled out their online version.

Upwords is a three-dimensional word game where in one can form words by stacking one's letters over another. To read the complete rules, click here.

Board Game: Monopoly

Monopoly is the first board game i've owned. (well, half owner with my sister.) i remember this was given to us by our parents as a Christmas present and we would play for hooooours with our neighbor Irene. ahhh, those where the days when i was still sweet, young, and innocent :p

surprisingly, it was Industrial Shopaholic's first time to play this game last Friday. yep, she's from another planet. *nodding*

i'm not bragging, but i was obviously the big winner of our game (we were four) because i had all the properties except for the Pacific Avenue, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania properties. even though they kept on scheming things so that i can declare bankruptcy, i was still able to buy almost all properties and put up a hotel on each property.

if you're from another planet just like Industrial Shopaholic, you can read the rules here.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

happy easter

here's an easter poem...for what? uhmm, because holidays are always lovely, but we must never forget the true reason for each season.

<Summer Breeze's and Cereals' comment is now reverberating in my brain: religious ka kasi.>

Seven Stanzas at Easter
By John Updike

Make no mistake: if He rose at all
it was as His body;
if the cells' dissolution did not reverse, the
reknit, the amino acids rekindle,
the Church will fall.

It was not as the flowers,
each soft Spring recurrent;
it was not as His Spirit in the mouths and fuddled
eyes of the eleven apostles;
it was as His Flesh: ours.

The same hinged thumbs and toes,
the same valved heart
that - pierced - died, withered, paused, and then
regathered out of enduring Might
new strength to enclose.

Let us not mock God with metaphor,
analogy, sidestepping transcendence;
making of the event a parable, a sign painted in the
faded credulity of earlier ages:
let us walk through the door.

The stone is rolled back, not papier-mache,
not a stone in a story,
but the vast rock of materiality that in the slow
grinding of time will eclipse for each of us
the wide light of day.

And if we will have an angel at the tomb,
make it a real angel,
weighty with Max Planck's quanta, vivid with hair,
opaque in the dawn light, robed in real linen
spun on a definite loom.

Let us not seek to make it less monstrous,
for our own convenience, our own sense of beauty,
lest, awakened in one unthinkable hour, we are
embarrassed by the miracle,
and crushed by remonstrance.

the friday five for april 18

yeah, yeah, my friday five is pretty late already but i was underwater so how could i post answer? better late than never *grin*

1. Who is your favorite celebrity?

tough one. lemme enumerate. they're all my favorites for all different reasons. brandon boyd. john cusack. edward norton. joshua jackson. scott speedman. sandra bullock. kate hudson. al pacino. meg ryan. pete sampras. keanu reeves. meryl streep. katharine hepburn. susan sarandon. the beatles. joni mitchell. tori amos. (i'll add over the next few days.)

2. Who is your least favorite?

oooh, i have lots. britney spears. justin timberlake. backstreet boys. linkin park. johnny knoxville. tom green. carson daly. geri halliwell. serena williams.

3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life?

hmm, since i work in the media industry, i've met a lot of celebrities. but celebrities of my country alone. heck, some of them go to the same gym as i do and they enter the gym with an air of arrogance. harumph. oops, this is off topic already.

anyways, as for celebrities not of my country, jennifer paige and stephen gately.

4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?

i had a similar conversation a few weeks ago. i think i'd rather be rich than be famous. hee hee. so my answer to question # 4 would be "no". plus the word "famous" is a relative word :D

5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?

this is a hard one. i've been racking my brains for a few minutes already. i think i'd like to be oprah winfrey so that i can get all her billions and then put it in my savings account. then i'll be a billionaire like her! mwahahahaha *evil laughter*

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

my stupid mouth

My stupid mouth
Has got me in trouble
I said too much again

so much for being chums. i thought Trager know me quite well by now. i told him my petty rants and he got shocked. of course, because he didn't know where those rants came from. so then i explained my rants.

Oh, another social casualty

after explaining, he got mad at Java Beans. primarily because it was Java Beans who told me about it. which i think he did out of honesty (*applause for Java Beans*). so Java Beans talked to me to talk to Trager. yeah, yeah, yeah. i relently agreed. who wouldn't if you knew you'd be swallowing your precious pride?

No filter in my head

oh this i didn't do. i carefully composed by message to him. i wouldn't dare tread on the issue again. so there, i swallowed my pride, like, about 4 times. he took his golden time before he accepted my sincerest apology.

And I could see clearly
An indelible line was drawn
Between what was good, what just
slipped out and what went wrong

this didn't happen to me but to Java Beans. he knew something was wrong between him and Trager. he found out that it was because of my petty rant. and then that's when he called me.

Java Beans told me that Trager didn't invite him for lunch yesterday. hahaha. the whole situation is so petty and immature that i can't help but laugh at it.

Oh I'm never speaking up again
Starting now

i now have no intentions whatsoever of talking to Trager anything under the sun. i'd leave it to him to do the talking. amen!

of mice and men

Emoticons and Pedals trapped a mouse in a trashcan. next thing they were doing: taking pictures of the rodent. i never imagined rodents as subjects. *disbelief*

Emoticons and Craig David shredded paper to serve as cushion for their pet mouse. they gave him food and water. they even had 2 lamps beside the trashcan to serve as heater. *rolls eyes*

Emoticons, Craig David, and Pedals checked up on their pet mouse. as usual, they gave their pet rodent Charing food and water. and the serving was good for the succeeding 4 days of no work. *i give up*

Monday, April 14, 2003

on my bookshelf

Book: Shopaholic Ties The Knot
Author: Sophie Kinsella

i'm reading the series in the wrong order. this is book 3 already and i haven't read books 1 & 2. but that's because i can't find someone who owns those 2 books. on the other hand, i don't want to buy books 1 & 2 because they cost a fortune.

this book is a high-quality escapist stuff. it's the perfect book for my oh-so mild depression state right now. but i think it had very little to do with Becky Bloomwood actually being a shopaholic. so i got a bit disappointed. (yeah , yeah, i'm reading the series in the wrong order. don't remind me!) nonetheless, it was hilarious. i was tempted to skim over the parts to check out how she creatively pulls herself out of the mess she created and "save the day."

the picture of Sophie Kinsella below is the ultimate image a girl can imagine for herself (aside from having a great body and beautiful face). grin.

i also have this theory that every girl is a shopaholic. agree?

beep beep

got this text from Legally Black: Love may take long...But it will always take you to where you belong. Enjoy the journey. Your heart will know when its finally home.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

incubus news

yesterday, i was at Booksale and i wanted to buy this magazine with Dirk Lance on the cover. (okay, a bit of history here. i almost always buy any magazine that has news or picture of Incubus or any of its members. yeah, you can call me a freak.) but i decided not to buy it because i already bought a book. scrimp scrimp scrimp.

today, as i was surfing the net, i found out that Dirk Lance has left Incubus almost 2 weeks ago. MYGAD! i couldn't believe it. the fresher Incubus news that they've kissed and made up with Sony didn't matter to me. his departure really made me sad.

Brandon Boyd (oooh!!! i love him! i love him! i looooove him!) made an official statement regarding Dirk Lance's departure. and you can read it here >>.

now, i want to buy that magazine i found at Booksale. oh please, i hope someone will not buy it. i gotta have that magazine. and i can't wait for the next album as Brandon (naks! close!) describes the upcoming record as "melted chocolate on your chests and necks!" i bet, that chocolate will be as yummmmmmy as Brandon.

cappuccino blast-ed

a month ago, i learned that there's a buy one-take one promo for the Cappuccino Blast at Baskin Robbins. after scouting for pre-schools in my area, Denialqueen gave me the "take one" drink. thanks for that Denialqueen ü

yesterday, i told Cereals about this and then she suggested that we head over to the nearest outlet. so off we went. but noooooo! when we reached the outlet, it has, unfortunately, closed. ugh! tough luck huh? oh well, so much for a mouth-watering vanilla ice cream blended with ice and topped with real whipped cream and cinnamon. we headed over to the ever-dependable Starbucks instead.

sweet defeat, bitter victory

ahhh, she's not invincible after all. Serena Williams suffered her first defeat of the season in the Family Circle Cup. Justine Henin-Hardenne, i love you! ü

Friday, April 11, 2003

somebody save me

i'm so angsty right now. i hate my job, but not the workplace. sabi nga ng splender "It's alright, I'm O.K. I think God can explain."

wish me luck. and don't forget to pray for me. i need enlightenment and guidance.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

cleaning out my cubicle

i don't know what got into me but i started cleaning my office drawer and cubicle. it looked as if i'm going to take a super long leave or worse, resign. but i'm not. i was just crazy enough today to tidy up my area. they say that cleaning closets is about getting rid of worn out ideas and things then opening doors to new concepts and realities. maybe i'm doing this in the light of my 3-year anniversary in this company and my anticipation to the upcoming re-org. hmmm, makes me wonder what's in store for me.

celebrating milestones - part 2

Summer Breeze told Cranberries about our mini-celebration. Cranberries then suggested that we will have another mini-celebration. weeeeeee ü so we went for lunch at Cibo. too bad for Cranberries as she had upset stomach that day. she couldn't eat all the food we ordered.

the lunch was also Cranberries birthday treat. happy birthday Cranberries (april 15)! enjoy Boracay!

how to break free from the work overload?

yesterday, i was wee bit excited about my 3 years in this company. today, i'm complaining about work overload. seriously. i think i have too many projects on my high priority list already. well, i just realized them today with all the emails that i got.

and seriously, i want to cry right now because of this. Crosspatch's minimum supervision becomes a HUGE disadvantage in this situation. and she doesn't even care!!!!!!! and she doesn't know! well, how would she care if she doesn't know right? but the problem is, i don't want her to know because she wouldn't do a damn thing to help me. saves me time, effort, and embarrassment.

i gotta go. i think i need to get intoxicated to help me forget my problems.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

celebrating milestones

Summer Breeze, Pedals, and i had hot chocolate and ruffles this afternoon to celebrate the launch of our latest project. i liked the idea of celebrating this milestone because we reached the point where we started bickering with each other. of course, it was all at Pedals' expense. hahaha. Summer Breeze and i wouldn't be calling ourselves evil sisters if we weren't evil (obviously!). work can really get any person's nerves. but i suppose, all that ends well, ends well. *grin*

on my playlist

Artist: Norah Jones
Album: Come Away With Me

undoubtedly, Norah Jones is the most-buzzed musician today. who wouldn't, after she won all her five nominations in the 2003 Grammy Awards? this smooth and sultry singer has indeed made her mark in the music world.

When Cereals asked me a few months ago what my Norah Jones song was, i answered "I've Got To See You Again". and we laughed and laughed. and to think we were inside a cab! we were both trying to detoxify from our sablay boys but, you guessed it, we couldn't.

I've got to see you again
I could almost go there
Just to watch you be seen
I could almost go there
Just to live in a dream

why wait?

Cereals sent me an email with that subject. i laughed when i got it because i thought it was in response to Neighborhood's email. the email actually contains an article written by a Jesuit. its a bit long but a good read. its full of insights. kinda reminded me of the book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye", which reminds me that i can't find this book right now in my book box.

here's an excerpt of the article:

Waiting is a good thing only if something is worth waiting for.
How will you know if it's worth it? Gut feel.
What if you don't trust your gut? Pray. You will be enlightened. Trust me.
Is it wrong to expect while waiting? It's not wrong, but it will increase your chances of heartbreak and disappointment if things don't work out in the end.
Is it good to expect while waiting? It is better to HOPE.
What's the difference between hoping and expecting? HOPING means you're open to either side of the coin landing though you're more inclined to believe that things will turn out well.
EXPECTING means you're thinking single-track...which won't do you much good at all.

What's the difference between waiting and expecting?
EXPECTING is waiting for something TO DEFINITELY HAPPEN. WAITING is staying where you are, but not necessarily expecting something to happen definitely.
Do you need assurance from someone you're waiting for while you're waiting?
Ideally, yes. But realistically, do you really want assurance from this person? It's so easy to just point at something and make that the reason why you're waiting ("Because she said..." "Because he told me that...").

With WAITING, all you really can rely on are 3 things: your gut feel, your heart and mind.
Just YOURSELF, not anyone else.
So should you wait? What does your gut say? How does your heart feel?
What does your mind think? If they're saying different things, keep asking yourself these 3 questions (and pray!) until you get a solid answer.

THEN you'll know if he or she is worth waiting for.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

what's your porn star name?

head over to Pornalizer to generate your porn star name.

i typed "FirstName LastName" and my porn star name is Natasha Naughty. i typed "FirstName SecondName LastName" and its Candy Cumms.

so what's your porn star name? c'mon tell me about it.

scouser keyboard

i think this should be the keyboard everyone ought to have!

Saturday, April 05, 2003

of fuming mad

i got surprised when i received an email from Neighboorhood. the subject gave it all way: Lord, Give Me A Boyfriend! i was fuming in my seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mygath! what has gotten into Neighboorhood that made him send me this email????? i still opened the email but i was not able to comprehend what i read because anger was filling my brain.

here's the first paragraph:

Gusto ko na talagang magka-boyfriend. Mag twe-twenty-two years old na ako, wala pa rin akong boyfriend.

i know someone who's 35 years old and she's a member of the SSB society. beat that!

Dati hindi naman ako gaanong nag-aalala sa pagiging boyfriend-less ko.

piece of advice honey: i'd rather not worry. it's too tiring. it'll come.

Nag-aaral pa kasi ako noon at iyon ang nagsisilbing excuse ko. Pero tapos na ako ngayon e. Ano pang excuse ko?

one doesn't need an excuse to explain her boyfriendless state. can't you just simply answer: wala eh? i do. end of statement. period. no more BUTs, IFs, and COZs. just plain: WALA EH.

you get the picture. i don't want to waste space putting in the whole email and adding my side remarks.

if Neighborhood's intention of sending me that freaking email was to make me laugh, i think it was not funny. on second thought, whatever his intention was, it'll never pass up as harmless.

of cocktails

Carambs and i had to attend the PLDT Hype launch at NBC Tent.

when the host (Edu Manzano) announced that it was time for cocktails, we didn't line up immediately since we thought that it was pica-pica food. we wanted to have a rice meal instead of pica-pica. but noooooooo! the caterer was Alba. oohh la la. the roasted calf was so D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S, we were eating it with our fingers while going through the whole buffet table.

after eating, we caught up with the Product Manager and she mentioned that they made "tipid" the food. having Alba as your caterer is "tipid"? uhmm, not in my world.

ladies and gentlemen, this is their idea of "tipid" cocktails.

of hoping and of expecting

after the PLDT Hype launch, we - the New Couple and i - headed over to Libis as i wanted to have Raspberry Mocha Kiss (my all-time feel good coffee) at Seattle's Best. we learned that Cereals and her friends were over at Jack's Loft. Carambs then had a craving for their cheesecake so we stayed in Jack's Loft instead. (but i still bought my coffee).

when i saw Cereals, i knew something was wrong. i didn't want to ask her why, i kinda knew the reason why. take a wild guess! you could actually see right through her that she was not enjoying her gmik. even though she was only 2 tables away, i kept on texting her "cheer up ü"

when i went home, i texted her something (i forgot!!!!) to make her feel better. mygath! even her replies show her dampened state. but my texts didn't make her feel better. sigh. at least i tried.

i wanted to text her this -- don't throw away this good time because someone else is too blind to see how great you are. -- but i changed my mind because i was afraid she might cry.

this morning, Cereals texted me that the night before was awful. i knew then that she was back to her old self. what a relief! i can't imagine Cereals so melancholic. i decided to send her the text message above. and she replied positively! she said: i'm saving this ü.

Friday, April 04, 2003

when its over (by Sugar Ray)

The Sexy Couple is history. both mutually ended their relationship. Summer Breeze, Craig David, Emoticons and i joined Sexy Girl in her lamentation by drinking one can of beer each. oh, we all forgot that it was still office hours. what the heck, we have a friend we have to console. the quotation below is taken from one of my fave sitcoms:

I created my very own first breakup rule: Destroy all pictures where
he looks sexy and you look happy. Breakup rule No. 2: Until emotionally
stabilized, enter no stores. Breakup rule No. 3: Never stop thinking about
him, even for a moment. Because that's the moment he'll appear. And finally,
the most important breakup rule: No matter who broke your heart or how long
it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends.
--- Carrie, from the sitcom Sex and the City

fun night (by Andrew WK)

Summer Breeze suggested that we should have a feel-good dinner. i instantly wanted TGIF Caesar's Salad but i didn't suggest it because i didn't know if it was within her budget. then she asked me: gusto mo salad sa Friday's? Summer Breeze is a psychic!!!! we invited Denialqueen and she accepted our invitation.

Friday's is so near the office. i think its within 100 meters. but princesses that we are, we took Summer Breeze's car in going there. environmentalists, forgive us.

this setup - Summer Breeze, Denialqueen and i - has been frequent already that by the end of the dinner, we named ourselves the Powerpuff Girls. Summer Breeze is Blossom (since her keychain is Blossom), Denialqueen is Bubbles (since she's naive. peace!), and i'm Buttercup (since i'm mataray).

after dinner, we headed over to our fave restobar, Aresi. we went there for Fragile's despedida party. (its her last day today in the office. alas, she's free of the reigns that bind us all.) the usual stuff happened: burned a lot of brain and lung cells. slightly anti-social mode. loads and loads of FUN!

i dunno who suggested it but the next thing i know, we were all heading to Antipolo. alright! we were gonna party like we don't have work the next day. woo hooooo.

there was an excess of cars that night as we had a 4-car convoy, 3 cars with 2 people and 1 car with 3 people. for the second time, environmentalists, forgive us.

i drank more alcohol and inhaled more cigarette smoke when we were in our gmik location # 2. if only the place had operations till 6am, we would have stayed till 6am. we all left Antipolo 3am with fun, excitement over our May 1 plans and intoxicated.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

on my bookshelf

Book: Airframe
Author: Michael Crichton

i bought this book almost 2 years ago at a sale so when i went home, i immediately dumped (and forgotten) it in my book box. last weekend, i was itching to read a book. i looked through my book box and found it once again.

the book's a fast read. its a series of conversations and events. not wallowing in detailed descriptions of things, places and emotions. i wanted to finish the whole book last Sunday but i decided not to because i still had work the next day. 10 points for bratty =)

when i started reading the book, i wanted to put it down because i thought it may scare me as airplanes are my only means of transportation in going to Homeland. but i said to myself: what the heck, if i die, i die! so i continued reading. i finished the book last night even if i came home past midnight already (i wasn't able to read last monday as i was too tired to read.)

this book convinced me even more that airplanes are the safest means of transportation. Thank God!

español comida

last friday was Twinkle Star's birthday. Denialqueen, White Mommy and i sent her flowers. we wanted to surprise her in her office lunchtime but her officemates (make that, her staff as Twinkle Star is the GM) beat us to it. they had plans already. so we decided to send her flowers. when Twinkle Star received our present, she texted this:

"Hi chicks! I just received the flowers! So nice! And so sweet of you all. ü Super thanks! Dinner tuesday? I have something on monday. ü"

so off we go tuesday night to Casa Armas over at Podium. Charlie's Chef joined us since Twinkle Star hasn't seen her ever since she came back from the Land of Honey. Black Daddy joined us also since he's White Mommy's husband and he used to be Twinkle Star's Star AE.

we had shrimp and mushrooms for appetizers; paella, crab, crispy pork for the main meal; red wine for drinks; and chocolate cake for dessert.

we did not only celebrate her birthday but also Twinkle Star's first year anniversary in her present office.

Twinkle Star is one of the most apolitical person i've ever met. she's not into competition and recognition. her rapport with her subordinates is superb. that's why her subordinates love her so much. and you can learn so much from her. i did =) i've never remained in touch with an ex-boss like i am now with Twinkle Star. we, Denialqueen, White Mommy and i, always make it a point to meet up with Twinkle Star once in a while. to catch up and have the chick chat. if i have meetings in Tektite, i make sure i visit her. she's a keeper.


because i was eavesdropping on a conversation, i heard things i didn't want to hear. in the few minutes that i was eavesdropping, i could feel how Trager loves his girlfriend very much. it hurt me so much and knowing my chances with Trager is zilch, i decided to move on and dump my hopes on him.

i've always been a rational person when it comes to the love affairs. i put my head first over my heart when analyzing things (which sometimes results to over analyzing, hehe). my head doesn't feel that's why its easier to talk to. my heart, on the other hand, can be more complicated. it doesn't always agree what my head says. well, not right away. plus, i'm so good in acting aloof and detached. so i'll be fine. but it'll take a while =) (message to self: way to go girl!)