Sunday, April 13, 2003

incubus news

yesterday, i was at Booksale and i wanted to buy this magazine with Dirk Lance on the cover. (okay, a bit of history here. i almost always buy any magazine that has news or picture of Incubus or any of its members. yeah, you can call me a freak.) but i decided not to buy it because i already bought a book. scrimp scrimp scrimp.

today, as i was surfing the net, i found out that Dirk Lance has left Incubus almost 2 weeks ago. MYGAD! i couldn't believe it. the fresher Incubus news that they've kissed and made up with Sony didn't matter to me. his departure really made me sad.

Brandon Boyd (oooh!!! i love him! i love him! i looooove him!) made an official statement regarding Dirk Lance's departure. and you can read it here >>.

now, i want to buy that magazine i found at Booksale. oh please, i hope someone will not buy it. i gotta have that magazine. and i can't wait for the next album as Brandon (naks! close!) describes the upcoming record as "melted chocolate on your chests and necks!" i bet, that chocolate will be as yummmmmmy as Brandon.

cappuccino blast-ed

a month ago, i learned that there's a buy one-take one promo for the Cappuccino Blast at Baskin Robbins. after scouting for pre-schools in my area, Denialqueen gave me the "take one" drink. thanks for that Denialqueen ü

yesterday, i told Cereals about this and then she suggested that we head over to the nearest outlet. so off we went. but noooooo! when we reached the outlet, it has, unfortunately, closed. ugh! tough luck huh? oh well, so much for a mouth-watering vanilla ice cream blended with ice and topped with real whipped cream and cinnamon. we headed over to the ever-dependable Starbucks instead.

sweet defeat, bitter victory

ahhh, she's not invincible after all. Serena Williams suffered her first defeat of the season in the Family Circle Cup. Justine Henin-Hardenne, i love you! ü


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