Wednesday, April 09, 2003

cleaning out my cubicle

i don't know what got into me but i started cleaning my office drawer and cubicle. it looked as if i'm going to take a super long leave or worse, resign. but i'm not. i was just crazy enough today to tidy up my area. they say that cleaning closets is about getting rid of worn out ideas and things then opening doors to new concepts and realities. maybe i'm doing this in the light of my 3-year anniversary in this company and my anticipation to the upcoming re-org. hmmm, makes me wonder what's in store for me.

celebrating milestones - part 2

Summer Breeze told Cranberries about our mini-celebration. Cranberries then suggested that we will have another mini-celebration. weeeeeee ΓΌ so we went for lunch at Cibo. too bad for Cranberries as she had upset stomach that day. she couldn't eat all the food we ordered.

the lunch was also Cranberries birthday treat. happy birthday Cranberries (april 15)! enjoy Boracay!

how to break free from the work overload?

yesterday, i was wee bit excited about my 3 years in this company. today, i'm complaining about work overload. seriously. i think i have too many projects on my high priority list already. well, i just realized them today with all the emails that i got.

and seriously, i want to cry right now because of this. Crosspatch's minimum supervision becomes a HUGE disadvantage in this situation. and she doesn't even care!!!!!!! and she doesn't know! well, how would she care if she doesn't know right? but the problem is, i don't want her to know because she wouldn't do a damn thing to help me. saves me time, effort, and embarrassment.

i gotta go. i think i need to get intoxicated to help me forget my problems.


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