Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Milia 2003

Head Honcho's in France right now attending the MILIA 2003 Conference.

Held annually in Cannes since 1994, MILIA, the World's Interactive Content Marketplace, is the leading international trade event dedicated to digital content and interactive entertainment for all platforms. MILIA is attended by key decision makers from 50 countries representing the global community of digital entertainment.

oooh, imagine that!!! what prestige! GO BOSS! =)

Head Honcho is the only delegate from the Philippines. i bet, our competitors (rival networks and content providers) are green with envy. hehehe. bah humbug! not only that, Head Honcho is one of the keynote speakers for the interactive tv business forum. yeah! GO BOSS GO! =)

on screen

Movie: Serendipity

i watched Serendipity with Cereals, Carambs and OJT Killer last saturday due to my insistence. hehehe. i told Carambs and OJT Killer that i will not watch any movie that night except that. hee hee. so typically bratty of me =)

John Cusack is forever on my A-list but i dunno why i wasn't able to watch this movie when it was being shown in the theaters. either i was in Cebu at that time for UJAR or i was too busy doing UJAR stuff.

anyways, its your typical feel-good, romantic movie. funny, light, and dreamy. what the heck? i don't need to write a review. everybody has seen this movie except me!

i told Summer Breeze that i finally saw the movie. her reply: kakainlove! i TOTALLY agree. kakakilig grabe. if Cereals and I were the only ones watching the movie, mygawd, we'd be laughing at ourselves. we can so relate to the movie. hahahaha.


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