Tuesday, March 18, 2003

watch-ing over me

i haven't been wearing a watch for the longest time. way back second year college. it was stolen from my room together with my wallet.

i've been wanting to get a watch since last year but i was never dead serious in buying one. plus i don't have the money. hahaha.

not even mom was serious in buying me a watch. i kept coaxing her to buy me and my sister a Timex watch for Christmas. but i was never successful in doing so. plus sis didn't want a watch because...oops, digressing, digressing.

while surfing niketown.com over a month ago, i saw this goddess watch. at that time, i had money so i was willing to buy it online even though it would be my first time. but no! the niketown website doesn't accept international orders. UGH!

last saturday, i was with Denialqueen, Carambs, and OJT Killer at greenhills. but of course, i couln't help myself from visiting the Nike shop there. and what did i see? 3 pieces of triax smooth in black, pink and yellow. oh gawd! my mind was doing 1,000,000 computations a second. double checking everything i have but it all boiled down to this conclusion: i don't have shopping money anymore. ARGH!!! sneeeef.

stupid me, i even tried it on. i was drawn even more to its beauty. The One Watch to Rule Bratinella.

(isn't that watch a goddess?)

i almost died when Carambs said she wants to buy the watch. thank god, she didn't buy it. i'd die of envy everytime i'd see her wear The One Watch.

update: it's june 26, 2004 now and i'm re-reading this post. i was able to buy this The One Watch. i'm adding this update because i can't remember posting that i bought this watch.


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