Friday, April 04, 2003

when its over (by Sugar Ray)

The Sexy Couple is history. both mutually ended their relationship. Summer Breeze, Craig David, Emoticons and i joined Sexy Girl in her lamentation by drinking one can of beer each. oh, we all forgot that it was still office hours. what the heck, we have a friend we have to console. the quotation below is taken from one of my fave sitcoms:

I created my very own first breakup rule: Destroy all pictures where
he looks sexy and you look happy. Breakup rule No. 2: Until emotionally
stabilized, enter no stores. Breakup rule No. 3: Never stop thinking about
him, even for a moment. Because that's the moment he'll appear. And finally,
the most important breakup rule: No matter who broke your heart or how long
it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends.
--- Carrie, from the sitcom Sex and the City

fun night (by Andrew WK)

Summer Breeze suggested that we should have a feel-good dinner. i instantly wanted TGIF Caesar's Salad but i didn't suggest it because i didn't know if it was within her budget. then she asked me: gusto mo salad sa Friday's? Summer Breeze is a psychic!!!! we invited Denialqueen and she accepted our invitation.

Friday's is so near the office. i think its within 100 meters. but princesses that we are, we took Summer Breeze's car in going there. environmentalists, forgive us.

this setup - Summer Breeze, Denialqueen and i - has been frequent already that by the end of the dinner, we named ourselves the Powerpuff Girls. Summer Breeze is Blossom (since her keychain is Blossom), Denialqueen is Bubbles (since she's naive. peace!), and i'm Buttercup (since i'm mataray).

after dinner, we headed over to our fave restobar, Aresi. we went there for Fragile's despedida party. (its her last day today in the office. alas, she's free of the reigns that bind us all.) the usual stuff happened: burned a lot of brain and lung cells. slightly anti-social mode. loads and loads of FUN!

i dunno who suggested it but the next thing i know, we were all heading to Antipolo. alright! we were gonna party like we don't have work the next day. woo hooooo.

there was an excess of cars that night as we had a 4-car convoy, 3 cars with 2 people and 1 car with 3 people. for the second time, environmentalists, forgive us.

i drank more alcohol and inhaled more cigarette smoke when we were in our gmik location # 2. if only the place had operations till 6am, we would have stayed till 6am. we all left Antipolo 3am with fun, excitement over our May 1 plans and intoxicated.


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