Saturday, March 29, 2003

what weekend?

weekend is defined as the end of the week (obviously). specifically, it is the period between the close of one working (business/school) week and the beginning of the next.

but this so-called period has been a blur lately as my office training has been eating up my saturday weekend. that leaves me a day, i repeat, a day to rest and recharge. and a day is not enough for me to rest and recharge. that's why stress took its toll and i had fever last tuesday and wednesday. i was on dequadin and biogesic overdose on those 2 days. i also drank mango-orange-banana shake (oh yummmy!) and now i'm starting to have colds. ugh!

oh, i forgot to mention that i still reported for work on those 2 days. (what?!?!?) yeah, yeah, i know i should have taken at least a day off. but mind you, i didn't have the guts to tell Crosspatch the "i'm sick, i want to go home, i need to rest" yadda yadda. not even the HR staff in the office could ask Crosspatch to let me go home and take a rest. that only goes to show how militant Crosspatch is in this office. aye aye, madam!

on second thought, my not being able to rest and recharge may be the reason why i'm so cranky lately. well, next to PMS.

on screen

Movie: Gangs of New York
Tagline: America Was Born In The Streets

Carambs gave me a free ticket for the advanced screening of Gangs of New York. (Thanks Carambs!) The tickets says "free popcorn and drinks." the besssssssstt!

i expected a bloodbath movie that would make me want to look for a 2 toothpicks to hold my eyes open. despite my seemingly ADHD behavior, i was able to focus on the movie for 2 hours and 25 minutes. the recreation of the circa 1850 new york was awesome. daniel day lewis rocks! he ruled the movie!!!! my end of the movie reaction: ASTIG. its directed by martin scorcese. 'nuff said.

here's a couple of "Gangs of New York Vocabulary" i got from their production notes:

anglers - thieves who place a hook on the end of the stick, with which they steal
autumn-divers - pickpockets who work in churches
bludget - female thief who lures victims into dark alleys to rob them
groaners - thieves who attend charity sessions then rob the group
roughs - men ready to fight any way or shape
wooden coat - coffin


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