Wednesday, April 02, 2003

on my bookshelf

Book: Airframe
Author: Michael Crichton

i bought this book almost 2 years ago at a sale so when i went home, i immediately dumped (and forgotten) it in my book box. last weekend, i was itching to read a book. i looked through my book box and found it once again.

the book's a fast read. its a series of conversations and events. not wallowing in detailed descriptions of things, places and emotions. i wanted to finish the whole book last Sunday but i decided not to because i still had work the next day. 10 points for bratty =)

when i started reading the book, i wanted to put it down because i thought it may scare me as airplanes are my only means of transportation in going to Homeland. but i said to myself: what the heck, if i die, i die! so i continued reading. i finished the book last night even if i came home past midnight already (i wasn't able to read last monday as i was too tired to read.)

this book convinced me even more that airplanes are the safest means of transportation. Thank God!

español comida

last friday was Twinkle Star's birthday. Denialqueen, White Mommy and i sent her flowers. we wanted to surprise her in her office lunchtime but her officemates (make that, her staff as Twinkle Star is the GM) beat us to it. they had plans already. so we decided to send her flowers. when Twinkle Star received our present, she texted this:

"Hi chicks! I just received the flowers! So nice! And so sweet of you all. ü Super thanks! Dinner tuesday? I have something on monday. ü"

so off we go tuesday night to Casa Armas over at Podium. Charlie's Chef joined us since Twinkle Star hasn't seen her ever since she came back from the Land of Honey. Black Daddy joined us also since he's White Mommy's husband and he used to be Twinkle Star's Star AE.

we had shrimp and mushrooms for appetizers; paella, crab, crispy pork for the main meal; red wine for drinks; and chocolate cake for dessert.

we did not only celebrate her birthday but also Twinkle Star's first year anniversary in her present office.

Twinkle Star is one of the most apolitical person i've ever met. she's not into competition and recognition. her rapport with her subordinates is superb. that's why her subordinates love her so much. and you can learn so much from her. i did =) i've never remained in touch with an ex-boss like i am now with Twinkle Star. we, Denialqueen, White Mommy and i, always make it a point to meet up with Twinkle Star once in a while. to catch up and have the chick chat. if i have meetings in Tektite, i make sure i visit her. she's a keeper.


because i was eavesdropping on a conversation, i heard things i didn't want to hear. in the few minutes that i was eavesdropping, i could feel how Trager loves his girlfriend very much. it hurt me so much and knowing my chances with Trager is zilch, i decided to move on and dump my hopes on him.

i've always been a rational person when it comes to the love affairs. i put my head first over my heart when analyzing things (which sometimes results to over analyzing, hehe). my head doesn't feel that's why its easier to talk to. my heart, on the other hand, can be more complicated. it doesn't always agree what my head says. well, not right away. plus, i'm so good in acting aloof and detached. so i'll be fine. but it'll take a while =) (message to self: way to go girl!)


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