Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wack Wack Day 7

I slept in my place last night. I had to get clean clothes and had to give the dirty ones to Manang Linda.

Before heading to Wack Wack, I passed by McDonalds to buy the kids breakfast. Tiger ate the pancakes and french fries. Nigel took a pass because he's more interested in my playing with my laptop than eating breakfast.

Speaking of Nigel playing with my laptop, while he was at the Nick Games page, I asked him to read what's on the screen because Jules asked me to practice Nigel's new found skills since he is taking reading lessons now.

Me: Can you read that please?
Nigel: You, can you read that?

Oh yes, the perfect excuse :)

Pretty much spent my day sleeping. Not without interruptions though.


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