Wednesday, April 16, 2003

my stupid mouth

My stupid mouth
Has got me in trouble
I said too much again

so much for being chums. i thought Trager know me quite well by now. i told him my petty rants and he got shocked. of course, because he didn't know where those rants came from. so then i explained my rants.

Oh, another social casualty

after explaining, he got mad at Java Beans. primarily because it was Java Beans who told me about it. which i think he did out of honesty (*applause for Java Beans*). so Java Beans talked to me to talk to Trager. yeah, yeah, yeah. i relently agreed. who wouldn't if you knew you'd be swallowing your precious pride?

No filter in my head

oh this i didn't do. i carefully composed by message to him. i wouldn't dare tread on the issue again. so there, i swallowed my pride, like, about 4 times. he took his golden time before he accepted my sincerest apology.

And I could see clearly
An indelible line was drawn
Between what was good, what just
slipped out and what went wrong

this didn't happen to me but to Java Beans. he knew something was wrong between him and Trager. he found out that it was because of my petty rant. and then that's when he called me.

Java Beans told me that Trager didn't invite him for lunch yesterday. hahaha. the whole situation is so petty and immature that i can't help but laugh at it.

Oh I'm never speaking up again
Starting now

i now have no intentions whatsoever of talking to Trager anything under the sun. i'd leave it to him to do the talking. amen!

of mice and men

Emoticons and Pedals trapped a mouse in a trashcan. next thing they were doing: taking pictures of the rodent. i never imagined rodents as subjects. *disbelief*

Emoticons and Craig David shredded paper to serve as cushion for their pet mouse. they gave him food and water. they even had 2 lamps beside the trashcan to serve as heater. *rolls eyes*

Emoticons, Craig David, and Pedals checked up on their pet mouse. as usual, they gave their pet rodent Charing food and water. and the serving was good for the succeeding 4 days of no work. *i give up*


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