Saturday, April 26, 2003

i'm pathetic

i want to blog but i have nothing to blog. so that makes me seriously pathetic. ugh!

“Oh, but you can. You know I’d drain you drier than the Sahara if I had half a chance. And besides, I’m beyond pathetic. Stuck in this basement washing skivvies for a blighter I wouldn’t have bothered to bite a few months ago.”
------------- Spike on the Buffy, The Vampire Slayer Episode # 67

and they're not

while trying to make something good out from my current pathetic state, i "discovered" at first i thought it was a website where one can post pathetic situations and happenings. but *waves index finger* instead, it's a community site for poets and poetry enthusiasts. hmmm, great discovery huh? do check out their site. you might find the perfect poem there ü


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