Monday, April 21, 2003

on board

i spent the rest of my Holy Week at Rhythm's house. if we were not watching TV, sleeping, eating, or swimming in the pool, we were definitely playing one of the following board games:

Board Game: The Game of Life

last thursday was my first time to play this game. nice game!!!! super aliw!!!! i was the big loser in my first 2 games, hehe. but at the very least, i won 1 game ü i'm saving up money so that i can buy my own piece of this ü

Board Game: Upwords

i first played Upwords at i really enjoy playing this game everytime, even if i lose, because it "refreshes" my vocabulary. too bad, has pulled out their online version.

Upwords is a three-dimensional word game where in one can form words by stacking one's letters over another. To read the complete rules, click here.

Board Game: Monopoly

Monopoly is the first board game i've owned. (well, half owner with my sister.) i remember this was given to us by our parents as a Christmas present and we would play for hooooours with our neighbor Irene. ahhh, those where the days when i was still sweet, young, and innocent :p

surprisingly, it was Industrial Shopaholic's first time to play this game last Friday. yep, she's from another planet. *nodding*

i'm not bragging, but i was obviously the big winner of our game (we were four) because i had all the properties except for the Pacific Avenue, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania properties. even though they kept on scheming things so that i can declare bankruptcy, i was still able to buy almost all properties and put up a hotel on each property.

if you're from another planet just like Industrial Shopaholic, you can read the rules here.


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