Wednesday, October 27, 2004

financial detective?

ha! after 2 days of financial management classes, i can now say i know how to read financial statements. balance sheets, income statements and cash flows. naks! we were even taught how to determine which financial statements goes to which company. oh, we have a new mantra now: cash is king!

but i'm pretty sure after a week, all this knowledge will be archived for good. haha :)


maja salvador is such a sweeeeeeeeeeeet girl :) i *heart* her. she'd give you a hug when she sees you. or throw kisses at you when she sees you from a distance.

yun lang. showbiz post.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

back to "school"

i'm currently "enrolled" in the management and leadership program (MLP) of the office. we usually have workshops 2-3 times in month. september was the worst. one workshop lasted for 5 days!!!!

honestly, i don't take the workshops too seriously since next year pa naman ang "thesis". yeah, crammer talaga by nature. hahaha. also, nothing is expected of me right away. and there are no tests or some sort of evaluation at the end of the workshop. there is a required mini-project but it is just presented to our respective coaches.

but lo and behold! the management took action and they are now pro-active in our future workshops. for next week's workshop, the manual was given to us a week ahead. we have to READ the manual before this tuesday's workshop. uh oh. i was reading the first paragraph of the manual this afternoon and then i instantly drifted to sleep. i decided to go to the office and study there. i did study! i swear! i sat down with our finance officer (the workshop is financial management) and he explained to me a little bit of everything. i also dialled home since i come from a family of accountants, provincial treasurers and math teachers. (yeah yeah, by the time i was born, only a handful of math genes were left for me :p)

and for november's workshop, it will be a pass-or-fail workshop. yikes! yikes! yikes! and it will be every monday, from 6 in the evening till 9:15. and we have a Kotler book to boot. 4 chapters have been assigned already for the first day of the workshop. ahahaaaayyy. pretty exciting times ahead...not!

the bright side i'm seeing right now is that i'll be in bora next saturday. woooohooooo :) and i have less load now, as of yesterday! i'll just be handling celeb from now on :) yay! yay! yay!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

gets mo na ba?

Kapamilya KaText now "owns" the Gets Mo Na Ba? segment in MTB every MWF. we pair up the KText subscriber with the KText artist. its a meet-and-greet promo but you get a chance to win P50,000 and at least 5 minutes of on-air exposure.

i tried asking CF if she wants to play with Carla Humphries but unfortunately she's out of the country. so if anybody wants to play with any of the KText artists, just leave me a message. i know someone who wants to play with Tin Hermosa :p Tin's playing on Monday *hint hint.


i have a newfound profession. i am now a professional baby sitter. for 3 days now, i pick up artists in our lobby, hand them their scripts, small talk and a lot more small talk, drop them off in our lobby, offer them food and drinks, hand them their ktext shirts, and a whole lotta stuff. jeez. now i know how hard it is to be a road manager.

sigh. i wanna go home now, right this instant. but i can't. some of the kids are still playing Tantra. the rest of the kids are not yet done with their recording. hirap daw mag improv. duh?!?

Saturday, October 16, 2004

4 dentists and a pre-molar

i had a dentist appointment today for the 2nd treatment of my gum infection. i don't know what the heck my dentist was doing but she was inserting a wire in my pre-molar. but she couldn't stick it in so she asked another dentist to do it. when the 2nd dentist was doing the inserting, 2 more dentists came to take a look at my tooth. apparently, it was a special case. duh??????? i really felt weird because 4 sets of eyes were looking at just one tooth. also, i didn't know where to look because they were all over my vision. really weird, swear.

after an hour, the 2nd dentist finally found the "path" to insert the wire. and then the other dentists left. whew!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

loooooooooong day

damn, i'm still here in the office and its 11:30 in the evening. my last meeting for the day ended a minute ago.

no day like today

i don't know how to explain the myriad of problems this day brought. is it an unlucky day because its the 13th? or is it "when-it-rains-it-pours" day?

still snoring in my bed at 7AM this morning when i got a text from Head Honcho informing me of a "situation." i was still holding my phone when i went back to sleep. then it dawned on me that i need to get up and do some damage control. right on the dot, Head Honcho called me and he was very mad. so you can pretty much imagine my panic. well, for one, i brought my phone inside the bathroom so that i wont miss any calls. i didn't miss any call but i did miss putting conditioner on my frizzy hair. haha.

then, the inevitable happened, the domino effect. problems popping like mushrooms. and then worst of it all, finger pointing on who's to blame. jeez. sigh.

i want to explain the problems brought about by the domino effect but i don't have the energy to type and explain. by lunch time, i was drained already. empty batt me. and this aint over yet as Head Honcho will be back in the office tomorrow. doomsday II.

i hope to survive tomorrow.

Friday, October 08, 2004

ever heard of the song "Libyan On A Jet Plane"?
Posted by Hello

here's an environmental tip . . .
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

dental check up

last saturday, i was crying in pain. i called my family and closest friends to let them know i was in pain. pathetic eh?

my friends rushed me to a dental clinic and there the dentist found out after a panoramic dental xray that i had gum infection. gross. now, i have to take antibiotics to stop the spread of the infection and painkillers, well, to stop the pain.

but! because of the dental xray, my dentist found out i have 2 teeth for extraction. jeez. i had one removed already last sunday. i couldn't muster the courage to have 2 teeth removed at the same time. haha :)

till next sunday for another extraction.

Ev is leaving Blogger

the co-founder of Blogger, Evan Williams, is leaving Blogger. even though he may not know me, i feel a bit sad. his blog is one of my constant reads. i've learned a lot from reading his blogs (yeah, i really have). you could feel his passion towards blogging and his baby Blogger by just reading his posts. i'm wondering what he'll venture next.

all the best to Ev :)

a very charming girl ayt?
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