Wednesday, October 13, 2004

no day like today

i don't know how to explain the myriad of problems this day brought. is it an unlucky day because its the 13th? or is it "when-it-rains-it-pours" day?

still snoring in my bed at 7AM this morning when i got a text from Head Honcho informing me of a "situation." i was still holding my phone when i went back to sleep. then it dawned on me that i need to get up and do some damage control. right on the dot, Head Honcho called me and he was very mad. so you can pretty much imagine my panic. well, for one, i brought my phone inside the bathroom so that i wont miss any calls. i didn't miss any call but i did miss putting conditioner on my frizzy hair. haha.

then, the inevitable happened, the domino effect. problems popping like mushrooms. and then worst of it all, finger pointing on who's to blame. jeez. sigh.

i want to explain the problems brought about by the domino effect but i don't have the energy to type and explain. by lunch time, i was drained already. empty batt me. and this aint over yet as Head Honcho will be back in the office tomorrow. doomsday II.

i hope to survive tomorrow.


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