Saturday, September 25, 2004

crash into me

my Nokia 3650 crashed this morning. huhuhu. i don't have back up yet for the phone numbers stored in the phone memory. i just hope i can save the pics in my memory card.

i'm using my trusty Nokia 3530 now. why trusty? its always in my bag. i use it whenever my 3650 batt goes empty and i can't charge right away. or if my friends' phones' run out of batt too, i lend them my 3530.

sigh. oh, i shouldn't be complaining. i should be thankful that i have a spare phone with me :)

update: my 3650 is back in action! woohoooo :) thank goodness i didn't have to pay for the re-installation of the software. the office gladly paid for it since its an office-issued phone. yay! :)


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