Friday, September 24, 2004

thank goodness for the new printer

we have a (take note: a = 1) new printer in the office and it prints documents in a flash. believe me, unbelievable speed.

thank goodness, the Mumog guys have budget to buy a new printer. if you were to print 20 pages with the old printer, it would take you around at least 8 mins. highly unproductive (*rolls eyes*). at times, i would really get pissed because it takes ages before i can see what i have printed.

lucky me, i'm seated in front of the Mumog guys and they happily shared their new printer with me. anyways, here's a pic of the newest baby in the office :)

(boring pic, i know)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love the smell of new technology! :)

When it comes to printers, I especially like:

(a) network printers -- don't need to connect them to a PC, they're just on the network and available; and

(b) printers that can automatically print double-sided. They print one slide, retract the paper, flip it over, and print on the other side. Galing!!! :) Hahah!

~ CF

10:15 PM  
Blogger Ernan said...

hahaah finally

hindi na mangingisay mga aes sa kahihintay sa pag-print bago meetings nila

e ang scanner napalitan na?

10:58 PM  
Blogger bratinella said...

yung scanner na nag ye yellow ang mga sina-scan mo? yeah, napalitan na. meron ng scanner na matino.

11:14 AM  

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