Saturday, May 29, 2004

Happy Birthday Sparco!

Happy Birthday Sparco! May you win in today's Ignition: Fire and Ice Race :)

all for nothing

Rinoa and I ran as fast as we could from the office to the studios where Black Eyed Peas was guesting, even cursing the elevator for being a bit slow to our request for a lift on the 9th floor. when we reached the studio, we were shocked that a lot of people were there.

i didn't think that people would flock the studios for BEP. i pretty understood why people were overflowing when Mandy Moore was the guest because she's Mandy Moore (for tennis fans like me, Andy Roddick's GF).

since we couldn't squeeze our bodies among the multitude, we resorted to watching BEP at the control room. too bad. not our lucky day, i guess.

lame reply

Blogger Support replied to my query a few days ago:

Hi there,

You may want to change your mail-to-blogger 'secret word' so that others
will not be able to figure out this word to email a post to your blog.

Please see our Blogger Help article for more details:

Best regards,
Blogger Support

i don't buy this reply. even if i change my secret word, there is no guarantee that this will never happen again. there is no email address in this world that can't be kept secret to spammers.

heck, if Gmail can proudly say "Hooray, no spam here!" everytime i check my spam folder (and i am very thankful for that), then Blogger ought to put in place a spam filter for their mail-to-blogger feature.

uh oh! i just checkd my wallet&i only hav 1 20&4 500 bills. wait let me count my coins.

whew! i hav enuf coins 2 shoulder my fare.

ooh, one more celeb sighting, Dennis Padilla. ah, the perks of dis glitzy job. literally walking on the same path as the stars.

im on way to d taxi stand &i saw Long Meija dancing 2 d Rejoice jingle. mygash hilarious.

sumusunod sa galaw mo, sumusunod...

Friday, May 28, 2004

from happy to sad

that's how my day went by, from happy to sad.

playing hooky early in the working, i went out for official business with Marine Scientist. i thought it would take long, but it took us 30 mins to complete our business. and since we were in the area already, i suggested to Marine Scientist that we pass by at this cd sale i know. P100 for a CD and P50 for 2 MCs. cheap right? so wouldn't want to miss this opportunity.

when we arrived at the place, it was heaven for me but hell for my wallet. i knew i couldn't buy everything that i wanted since i had to pay for my apartment rent yet. so i set my mind to 5 CDs.

i ended up buying 4. 1 less than my budget.

here are the CDs that i ended up with:

The Cranberries - Bury The Hatchet

U2 - Pop

Bjork - Greatest Hits

Sheryl Crow - The Globe Sessions

im so tempted to go back tomorrow and buy the other CDs i wanted. i have yet to stop myself from doing so.

so that was the happy part.

and now for the sad part. and the paragraphs below are snippets from my email confession to Cross Patch and Feeling Liam.

sometime april, when the wap site had too many links already, the wap site wouldn't load on SE T68i phones
so i changed the links from absolute URLs to relative URLs to shrink the file size so that it would load on the SE T68i phones.

little did i know that it would affect the charging on NotToBeMentionedTelco downloads.

sorry again. i take full responsibility for this incident.
whatever consequences as a result of this incident, i will accept.

gulp! i was shaking the whole afternoon. i don't know if due to the office temperature or to my nervousness. i hope its the former. but i know its the latter.

i'm gonna lose sleep over the weekend because of this. Cross Patch and Feeling Liam haven't read my email confession yet. they were already out of the office when the incident happened.

i couldn't sit still so i texted Cross Patch that if ever she can access her email now, she must do so. instead she called me and i knew she was mad. she told me "Lets deal with it on Monday."

double gulp. i am so terrified to go to work on monday. i hope she doesn't hang me upside down.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

playing hooky

i'm watching Alias Season 3 Episode 13 now while the bosses are having their weekly meeting.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

connection timeout

i'm doing my daily rounds of blogs and when i typed, i got this response.

The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


Please try the following:

Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the home page.
10060 - Connection timeout
Internet Security and Acceleration Server

this is most probably because of web traffic. how cool is that!

no, it would never happen to this blog.

Monday, May 24, 2004

ever fallen in love

it was surprising to hear the Buzzcocks song, Ever Fallen In Love, in the movie Shrek 2. but it wasn't the Buzzcocks singing. so i had to wait till the credits roll to find out who covered the song. as usually the case, the soundtrack credits roll last, so its was quite a wait. then i found out that Pete Yorn was the one who performed the song.

no, i'm not a fan of Pete Yorn. honestly, i haven't even heard his music. i just know someone who loves Pete Yorn dearly. she even wrote in her Friendster profile "Pete Yorn my love."

do check out the Shrek 2 soundtrack. i also love Counting Crows' Accidentally In Love.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

dying of envy

when this blogger folk announced the new Blogger photo posting tool, i immediately downloaded the application. so i downloaded the app, confirmed my email addy and opened the app. i was sooooo excited to use it. but instead of being logged in, it would return this error message -- a network error occurred (0x000274c). oh jeez. not wanting to burst my excitement, i emailed the Picasa Support Team about my login problem. they did reply:

Thank you for writing us. Make sure your firewall allows UDP out and open outbound ports 4060, 6000, and 15000. If you have any additional questions, please let me know.

what a bummer! i obviously can't use the photo sharing app here in the office because P2P apps are not allowed by the Tech Boys. arggggghhh.

i'm dying of envy.

Friday, May 21, 2004

on my bookshelf

i borrowed a book from the great journalist Joe Torres, Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. the tone of the book is so sad and melancholic yet i'm eager to finish it. i hope to finish this book by next week so.....i must go and resume my reading.

There is really nothing more to say--except why. But since why is difficult to handle one must take refuge in how.
- Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

today's friday five

i haven't done the Friday Five for the past few months. but since i'm killing time here in the office before uploading a gazillion mobile games in our wapsite, i headed over to their website and instead of seeing 5 questions, i got to read a sad notice.

May 6, 2004

This is the end of the Friday Five. I know most of you have seen this coming and I appreciate you humoring me. I haven't enjoyed it for some time now and because of that I can no longer justify the bandwidth. I'm not going to give it away or sell it or bring anyone on to help; two-and-a-half years is a good run. Let's let it go.

head over to the Friday Five website for the complete "notice of disconnection."

thanks Friday Five.

out with friends

i had a nice time last night. a sort of reunion with ex officemates. we had dinner and watched the gig of Karel Marquez. and lots and lots of catching up. it feels so nice to stay in touch with old friends. it was especially touching when Not The Photographer hugged Almost mY Name. at least, they both have closure to their bitter separation already.

though things are not the same now, we know we'll always have this friendship.

till next night out.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

when the boss is away, the slave will play

thank goodness, Cross Patch is on leave today and tomorrow. yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *happiness*

time for me to relax from work . . .
time for me to answer calls and emails from my headhunter . . .
time for me to be lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

and i just love it! :)

more of these to come this june when Cross Patch will be on leave again. yeah!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


i logged in to my account and i saw this post.
and i think this is a spam email. ooooh.

i don't like this. blogger folks, fix this please.

REF: MLI/231-ILGI0431/03
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the
Lottery Winners International programs held on the
19th may 2004. Your e-mail address attached to
ticket number 20511465897-6291 with serial number
472-971103 drew lucky numbers 8-66-97-22-71-64 which consequently won
in the 2nd category, you have
therefore been approved for a sum pay $ (ONE MILLION U.S
Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that
you keep your winning information very confidential
till your claims has been processed and your
prize/money Remitted to you. This is part of our
security protocol to avoid double claiming and
unwarranted abuse of this program by some
participants. All participants were selected through a
computer ballot system drawn from over 200,000,000
company and 300,000,000 individual email addresses and
names from all over the world.
This promotional program takes place annually. We hope
with part of your winning you will take part in our
next year $100 million international lottery.
To file for your claim, please contact our/your
fiducial agent
TEL: +31-623-711-070
Note that all winning must be claimed not later than
18th of june 2004. After this date all unclaimed,
funds will be included in the next stake. Please note
in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications
please remember to quote your reference number and
batch numbers in all correspondence. Furthermore,
should there be any change of address do inform our
agent as soon as possible.
Congratulations once more from our members of staff
and thank you for being part of our promotional
Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. suzanne markos
Lottery Coordinator.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

jst fnishd watchng troy.sparta-cular! long live hector!2bad, brad pitt has no power in his speech.he shuld get tips fr russel crowe

Friday, May 14, 2004

i thnk i nid 2 c my psychologst.w ol d brouhaha hpening n my lyf now, i nid advice fr expert. d0nt wori, prayer s stil my best shot.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

i cant sleep. i txtd this to summer breeze an hour ago and my mind is reeling with what ifs, scenarios and ideas for plan b.

update: eeep! my txt msg got truncated. so this mobile posting also has limitations. anyways, here's the complete message:

i cant sleep. i txtd this to summer breeze an hour ago and my mind is reeling with what ifs, scenarios and ideas for plan b. wish me luck. -- hi summer breeze. i know ur mad at me. kaya pls usap na tayo tom. as cheesy as it may sound, the truth will set us free. tapusin na natin to, hopefully for better days. but if ur planning to call my bluff, i perfectly understand ü thanks

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

my butterscotch pasalubong is here

Haciendera's back in town and she brought me back my fave, fave butterscotch. yum yum. well actually, it isn't from her. its from Buddha. i texted Buddha last week to send me butterscotch through Haciendera. thanks Buddha! thanks too to Haciendera for the mango tarts ü

update: my YM status yesterday was "yum yum butterscotch." Wiwish replied back to me through her YM status "waaah...gusto ko rin ng butterscotch." hahaha. i wonder if Wiwish's contacts not in my contacts understood her YM status fully.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

mic test...uhrmm phone test. posting from my mobile.

update: oh this is cool! hmmm, but how do i post a title / subject?

alike templates

oh look, My Sassy Girl and i used the same template.

hee hee :)

correction: My Sassy Girl and i used the same template, for one of her numerous blogs.

my profile

waw! my profile is already activated.

geez. i just realized my profile looks pathetic.


Your document: oh great, my pc got infected with the Sasser worm
was not delivered to:
because: Command died with status 1: "IFS=' '&&exec /home/bloggermail/processmail||exit 75 #bloggermail". Command output: tee: ../pipedmessages: File too large

huh? so this mail-to-blogger feature has file size limit???????

update: oh. when i used my gmail yesterday to test the mail-to-blogger feature, it didn't add HTML tags on my email. when i used my corporate email today, via Lotus Notes, my mail-to-blogger post included HTML tags. sheesh. hmmm, i gotta figure out how to send using my Lotus Notes without those HTML tags.

oh great, my pc got infected with the Sasser worm

what a way to start my day!

when i booted my pc today, i got this LSASS (?!) error message and then the Microsoft OCA page opened which says i got infected with the Sasser worm. just damn great

i've already downloaded the patch that was available in the Microsoft site. i hope that this patch REALLy works.  or else, i my day would be spent backing up my files, downloading patches and anti-virus definitions.

i'm wondering why my Symantec didn't alert me. i checked my Symantec version and the latest version downloaded is May 9. hmmmm.

but i'm very amazed with the creator of the Sasser worm. he's a genius.

Monday, May 10, 2004


bratty stop being OC!

my OC nature kicked in and i want to edit each post i have and activate the comments feature. i'm getting tired of doing it already. its a good waste of time here in the office but i can hardly type because of the office temperature.

there. i've convinced myself i won't edit the posts anymore.

testing mail-to-blogger feature

ola amigos!

i'm testing this new feature.

hmmm, let us see

update: holy guacomole! eez working! so i can now post on my blog even if i don't have internet access to log on to the blogger site. i can just pretend i'm sending a work-related email. nice.

the right to suffrage

geez, i got too excited with the blogger treat that i almost forgot what i wanted to blog today.

today, registered Filipino voters will troop to the precints and cast their votes for various National and Local positions. as always, bloodshed is present.

i already did my part. i have indelible ink on my index finger to prove it. despite the heat in the precint and the long line, it was worth the wait. its not everyday that we get to execute this right.

God we offer you this day. Whatever the results will be, may everyone learn to accept defeat and move head on with the new administration.



these new features of blogger is making me crazy.

(1) i changed the look of this blog using one of the new templates but i still need to tweak my css.
(2) i turned on the comments feature but i don't know how it works.

update: there! i figured out how to turn on the comments feature.

(3) my archive is working!!!! the devilish posts are now gone. super! so i now have an archive ü yeah!

update: my archive is working alright except for the March 2003 archive. owww man!

so i have to make this post quick.

i'm proud to be a blogger :)

Saturday, May 08, 2004

last movie watched

Van Helsing

Van Helsing Official Website

awesome movie! well, who wouldn't have an awesome movie if the animations were done primarily by ILM. hooo boy!

i've been waiting for this movie ever since i went to this licensing show a year ago where i was able to watch its trailer. i don't remember much from the trailer but i do remember telling myself to look out for this movie.

too bad, we had a hard time looking for a parking slot so we ended up missing the first 20 minutes of the movie. and we weren't able to get our fave seats. oh well, at least the movie rocked.


i just so loooooooooooove this food. i don't stop eating it until there's no more to eat. whenever i have butterscotch, its the only time i don't like to share my food. and when i do share it to people, it breaks my heart that little is left for me to eat.

i can't wait for Haciendera to see on tuesday as she brings loads and loads of butterscotch from her hometown.

yum ü

halalan 2004

2 more days till the National and Local elections. all i'm praying is that it'll be a peaceful one. no more bloodshed please.

<shameless plug>

for election-related news, log on to ABS-CBN News. or if you have a wap-capable mobile phone, go to or simply text NEWS to 2366.

for the latest updates on the elections results, text TALLY to 2366.

</shameless plug>

blogger's mother's day surprise

all bloggers are in for a treat this mother's day as Blogger will release new features and a whole new look. can't wait! :)

best way to end my tiring day

while walking in the parking lot half-awake from a 4-hour bus trip, there was this Honda Accord that stopped right behind me. i took a second look and i knew it was White Mommy and Black Daddy. i am so happy to see them together...not fighting. hehehe ü

summer escapade

finally, after 3 years, we again had a company outing. we went to Laiya Coco Grove in Batangas.

i bunked in one of the tree houses that we rented. the tree house has 3 divisions. each division has 2 double beds but only 2 of the divisions have a toilet and bath. the toilet and bath have wooden swing doors, making the T&B look like a cowboy bar.

not much to do on this lazy day, some of us went to the other side of the island. it was 20-minute banca ride. even though we risked our lives riding that almost-dilapidated motor banca, we enjoyed it - seeing the other beaches with fine, white sand, admiring the enormous Mt. Daguldol, and the changing colors of the ocean, from light blue to deep blue to sea green. the ride back to the resort was even better. we were sailing against the wind so the water splished and splashed on us and the waves made our trip like a rollercoaster ride. i'm glad no one puked because of the rollercoaster ride back to the resort.

not to mention that there were lots and lots of food. food was catered for 70 people and only 40 of us were there. the drinks were overflowing also. Not The Photographer brought Skyy Vodka. aaahh, my fave vodka. Skyy Vodka + Sprite, you wouldn't go wrong.

and cases of our fave beer, San Mig Light.

i also remember drinking white wine. i just can't recall its name.

the trip home was veeeerry tiring. when i arrived home, i just hanged the wet towel, changed to pambahay clothes and went off to dreamland at once. when i woke up this morning, i was very disoriented because i couldn't remember what time i went home, if i was able to lock my door and close the lights, and because of the mess i saw: backpack, shoes, socks, loot bag, and jacket all strewn on the floor.

too much of a coincidence

1. I was wearing capri maong pants and a sleeveless top yesterday. So was Cross Patch.

2. I brought a book - Deception Point - for yesterday's road trip. So did Cross Patch. same book mind you. it would not have been such a big deal for me if it was not the same book. but no, we both had to bring the same book. sigh.

i'm glad the coincidences ended there. but Head Honcho was quick to point out that i'm becoming like Cross Patch. how dare he compare me to her?!?!?!? hmpf.

Friday, May 07, 2004

best way to end my shitty day

when i got home, the guard told me that my clean clothes are in my room already and a letter in brown envelope.


i knew it was one of the appli forms i requested online but i couldn't guess right away from which school. but to my heart's delight, it's the appli form from Brunel University. aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh ü wawawawawawaweeeeeeeeeee.

i'm gonna read it over and over this weekend. and i gotta write that scholarship letter for the British Embassy.

please pray for me. thanks in advance.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

revenge is a dish best served cold

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
- old Klingon proverb

if you've watched Kill Bill Vol. I, this proverb is familiar. it's shown in the opening sequence of the movie.

anyhoo, i didn't quote to discuss about the movie.

now that i got their attention, it's up to them to figure it out. i'm gonna use this edge to my delight ü

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid.
- Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderios de LaClos (1741-1803)
- Les Liasons Dangereuses, 1782

Saturday, May 01, 2004

labor day

laborers unite!

i'm glad that the rally the opposition was planning didn't push through. at least every working individual can celebrate this holiday in essence.