Happy Birthday Sparco!
Happy Birthday Sparco! May you win in today's Ignition: Fire and Ice Race :)
Rinoa and I ran as fast as we could from the office to the studios where Black Eyed Peas was guesting, even cursing the elevator for being a bit slow to our request for a lift on the 9th floor. when we reached the studio, we were shocked that a lot of people were there.
Blogger Support replied to my query a few days ago:
uh oh! i just checkd my wallet&i only hav 1 20&4 500 bills. wait let me count my coins.
ooh, one more celeb sighting, Dennis Padilla. ah, the perks of dis glitzy job. literally walking on the same path as the stars.
im on way to d taxi stand &i saw Long Meija dancing 2 d Rejoice jingle. mygash hilarious.
that's how my day went by, from happy to sad.
i'm watching Alias Season 3 Episode 13 now while the bosses are having their weekly meeting.
i'm doing my daily rounds of blogs and when i typed www.bizstone.com, i got this response.
it was surprising to hear the Buzzcocks song, Ever Fallen In Love, in the movie Shrek 2. but it wasn't the Buzzcocks singing. so i had to wait till the credits roll to find out who covered the song. as usually the case, the soundtrack credits roll last, so its was quite a wait. then i found out that Pete Yorn was the one who performed the song.
when this blogger folk announced the new Blogger photo posting tool, i immediately downloaded the application. so i downloaded the app, confirmed my email addy and opened the app. i was sooooo excited to use it. but instead of being logged in, it would return this error message -- a network error occurred (0x000274c). oh jeez. not wanting to burst my excitement, i emailed the Picasa Support Team about my login problem. they did reply:
i borrowed a book from the great journalist Joe Torres, Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. the tone of the book is so sad and melancholic yet i'm eager to finish it. i hope to finish this book by next week so.....i must go and resume my reading.
i haven't done the Friday Five for the past few months. but since i'm killing time here in the office before uploading a gazillion mobile games in our wapsite, i headed over to their website and instead of seeing 5 questions, i got to read a sad notice.
i had a nice time last night. a sort of reunion with ex officemates. we had dinner and watched the gig of Karel Marquez. and lots and lots of catching up. it feels so nice to stay in touch with old friends. it was especially touching when Not The Photographer hugged Almost mY Name. at least, they both have closure to their bitter separation already.
thank goodness, Cross Patch is on leave today and tomorrow. yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *happiness*
jst fnishd watchng troy.sparta-cular! long live hector!2bad, brad pitt has no power in his speech.he shuld get tips fr russel crowe
i thnk i nid 2 c my psychologst.w ol d brouhaha hpening n my lyf now, i nid advice fr expert. d0nt wori, prayer s stil my best shot.
i cant sleep. i txtd this to summer breeze an hour ago and my mind is reeling with what ifs, scenarios and ideas for plan b.
Haciendera's back in town and she brought me back my fave, fave butterscotch. yum yum. well actually, it isn't from her. its from Buddha. i texted Buddha last week to send me butterscotch through Haciendera. thanks Buddha! thanks too to Haciendera for the mango tarts ü
mic test...uhrmm phone test. posting from my mobile.
oh look, My Sassy Girl and i used the same template.
Your document: oh great, my pc got infected with the Sasser worm
what a way to start my day!
bratty stop being OC!
ola amigos!
geez, i got too excited with the blogger treat that i almost forgot what i wanted to blog today.
these new features of blogger is making me crazy.
Van Helsing
i just so loooooooooooove this food. i don't stop eating it until there's no more to eat. whenever i have butterscotch, its the only time i don't like to share my food. and when i do share it to people, it breaks my heart that little is left for me to eat.
2 more days till the National and Local elections. all i'm praying is that it'll be a peaceful one. no more bloodshed please.
all bloggers are in for a treat this mother's day as Blogger will release new features and a whole new look. can't wait! :)
while walking in the parking lot half-awake from a 4-hour bus trip, there was this Honda Accord that stopped right behind me. i took a second look and i knew it was White Mommy and Black Daddy. i am so happy to see them together...not fighting. hehehe ü
finally, after 3 years, we again had a company outing. we went to Laiya Coco Grove in Batangas.
1. I was wearing capri maong pants and a sleeveless top yesterday. So was Cross Patch.
when i got home, the guard told me that my clean clothes are in my room already and a letter in brown envelope.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.