Saturday, May 22, 2004

dying of envy

when this blogger folk announced the new Blogger photo posting tool, i immediately downloaded the application. so i downloaded the app, confirmed my email addy and opened the app. i was sooooo excited to use it. but instead of being logged in, it would return this error message -- a network error occurred (0x000274c). oh jeez. not wanting to burst my excitement, i emailed the Picasa Support Team about my login problem. they did reply:

Thank you for writing us. Make sure your firewall allows UDP out and open outbound ports 4060, 6000, and 15000. If you have any additional questions, please let me know.

what a bummer! i obviously can't use the photo sharing app here in the office because P2P apps are not allowed by the Tech Boys. arggggghhh.

i'm dying of envy.


Blogger Jovan Puyo said...

Internet cafe, anyone? Hehehehehe!

12:45 AM  
Blogger bratinella said...

hmmm, pwede nga sa internet cafe ako mag install ng Hello Picasa.

or! *lightbulb* sa tech room. mwahahahaha.

9:20 AM  

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