Tuesday, April 27, 2004


i had a long talk with Haciendera last night with regards to my friendship problems. as i shared with her my feelings, theories and analyses to the situation, she couldn't help herself to be surprised. she couldn't believe it was happening to me. this talk really eased some of the pain building up, especially with what happened yesterday morning. but i digress. White Mommy was happy that i shared it with Haciendera. she believes Haciendera can somehow protect me in lieu of her, since i see Haciendera almost everyday. hahahahaha ü my "deep yet funny" guardian angel ü

thanks Haciendera!!! it was really a HUGE relief for me. mwah ü

Saturday, April 24, 2004

gmail rocks

for a year now, i can't receive email from my yahoogroups. i don't know why. i'm not on bouncing status either. its just that the yahoo mailer somehow forgets to email me. so i usually read the emails on the yahoogroups website.

last night, i registered my gmail account for all my yahoogroups. and voila! when i checked my gmail inbox today, its full of emails from my yahoogroups. isn't that neat? ü only a gmail account could fix my problem *wink*


to register my gmail account in my yahoogroups membership, there is some sort of verification method first. i went through all the steps and the second to the last step was to wait for an email in my gmail account. and so i wait. i kept on refreshing my inbox but no new mail came. i logged out and logged back in, but still no new mail. i was getting annoyed already...with yahoo, for not sending me the email. i went through the whole verification process again, but still no mail. i was about to give up, log off from cyberspace, continue the verification process today, when a thought came to me: check my spam folder. and there it is indeed. two verification emails from yahoo. hahahahaha.

yes, i find it funny. "official" yahoo email in the spam folder of a gmail account ü if you don't find it funny, you're not a geek like me. forgive me :p

active blogger?

the beta sign ups for gmail are for "active Blogger users", whatever that means. the invitation i saw on the blogger home was not for everyone.
ooh, i feel so special ü giddyap!

Friday, April 23, 2004

silent protest

guess who didn't go to work last wednesday ang thursday? me! me! me! and i'm proud of it!
my absence was my means of letting her know i was really pissed off.

it did me good because i was able to calm down myself, i was able to spend time with myself and get lotsa and lotsa sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep ü

reading Powerful Prayers helped a lot in those 2 days. i was able to forgive her, mind you ü

i've got a Gmail account

yeah, yeah, yeah, its still in beta but i can't wait to use it. neato.
thanks google and blogger for the beta sign ups ü

Sunday, April 18, 2004

pink ribbons

what's up with those pink ribbons on lamp posts, trees, electric posts, etc. on major thoroughfares here? i've asked people here and they don't know the reason either. care to shed light, anyone?

tie a pink ribbon on the old oak tree....

rain in a summer day

argh! i just hate it when it rains during summer. its not a relief as one might think. its the singaw after the rain that makes me tick. eww eww eww. i hate the smell of it, the heat it emits, everything about it!!!!

but! alas! the song on my itunes now is befitting. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 from their album Songs About Jane.

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain

death becomes her

i just don't get her.

(1) she wants me to grow and grab other opportunities within the company but i can't leave her group.

(2) she gives me gazillion worth of workload but she gives me a 1 rating in my performance appraisal.

(3) she asks to me fast track project G and when i had the 5 products already, she de-prioritizes it.

(4) she's going to the mobile games conference in Singapore but she doesn't give a damn about the status of that product.

(5) she kept on texting me last friday that she's coming in when everybody else in the office know she doesn't come in every friday.

(6) she's really one of the beautiful people i've met but she sure doesn't have a beautiful soul.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

perennial question

Pedro, Marla, Denialqueen, and even White Mommy always, always, always ask me the same question: When are you going to resign?

and i always don't have an answer. and this is the reason why Pedro wrote that Friendster testi for me. i should have felt insulted with that testi, but i can't help but agree.

though i know i need to leave this company, i know its not my turn to leave.....yet. i'm not waiting for Marla to leave the company and leave the country in a few months time to make me realize that i should be looking out for myself. hell, i've seen people come and go (and return) here. its just that i haven't had that moment yet where i can finally say "i'm done here."

but i've been taking actions....like noting down the IELTS test dates.....actively looking for scholarships online and noting down the details of who to send the application letter.....they're not much but at least i've started.

taking some steps....