Saturday, April 24, 2004

gmail rocks

for a year now, i can't receive email from my yahoogroups. i don't know why. i'm not on bouncing status either. its just that the yahoo mailer somehow forgets to email me. so i usually read the emails on the yahoogroups website.

last night, i registered my gmail account for all my yahoogroups. and voila! when i checked my gmail inbox today, its full of emails from my yahoogroups. isn't that neat? ü only a gmail account could fix my problem *wink*


to register my gmail account in my yahoogroups membership, there is some sort of verification method first. i went through all the steps and the second to the last step was to wait for an email in my gmail account. and so i wait. i kept on refreshing my inbox but no new mail came. i logged out and logged back in, but still no new mail. i was getting annoyed already...with yahoo, for not sending me the email. i went through the whole verification process again, but still no mail. i was about to give up, log off from cyberspace, continue the verification process today, when a thought came to me: check my spam folder. and there it is indeed. two verification emails from yahoo. hahahahaha.

yes, i find it funny. "official" yahoo email in the spam folder of a gmail account ü if you don't find it funny, you're not a geek like me. forgive me :p

active blogger?

the beta sign ups for gmail are for "active Blogger users", whatever that means. the invitation i saw on the blogger home was not for everyone.
ooh, i feel so special ü giddyap!


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