i'm currently "enrolled" in the management and leadership program (MLP) of the office. we usually have workshops 2-3 times in month. september was the worst. one workshop lasted for 5 days!!!!
honestly, i don't take the workshops too seriously since next year pa naman ang "thesis". yeah, crammer talaga by nature. hahaha. also, nothing is expected of me right away. and there are no tests or some sort of evaluation at the end of the workshop. there is a required mini-project but it is just presented to our respective coaches.
but lo and behold! the management took action and they are now pro-active in our future workshops. for next week's workshop, the manual was given to us a week ahead. we have to READ the manual before this tuesday's workshop. uh oh. i was reading the first paragraph of the manual this afternoon and then i instantly drifted to sleep. i decided to go to the office and study there. i did study! i swear! i sat down with our finance officer (the workshop is financial management) and he explained to me a little bit of everything. i also dialled home since i come from a family of accountants, provincial treasurers and math teachers. (yeah yeah, by the time i was born, only a handful of math genes were left for me :p)
and for november's workshop, it will be a pass-or-fail workshop. yikes! yikes! yikes! and it will be every monday, from 6 in the evening till 9:15. and we have a Kotler book to boot. 4 chapters have been assigned already for the first day of the workshop. ahahaaaayyy. pretty exciting times ahead...not!
the bright side i'm seeing right now is that i'll be in bora next saturday. woooohooooo :) and i have less load now, as of yesterday! i'll just be handling celeb from now on :) yay! yay! yay!