Monday, June 30, 2003

legendary actress Katharine Hepburn dies

i bow thee to Katharine Hepburn, who joined her creator last june 29, 2003. may she truly rest in peace.

now i'm reminded that i gotta finish reading her book, Me: Stories of My Life.

Saturday, June 28, 2003

coldplay news

aahhhhhhhhhhh! Chris Martin of Coldplay proposed to Gwyneth Paltrow already. lucky girl! read it all here >>

upgrade, upgrade

coolness! i just posted the above post using the new google toolbar. they now have a "BlogThis!" option. if i'm visiting a site, i just click on the button and a new browser window appears, and ta dah!, i can post about the site i just visited.

earlier this week, MSN Messenger 6.0 was released and most of the people in the office upgraded to that version. we all had fun choosing and making our avatars. some people took time morphing their faces into the faces of the celebrities. some people hurriedly downloaded cutesy images they can grab from the web. some people displayed the pics of their children. as for me, i downloaded all pics of Trinity i could find in the The Matrix website.

and when i logged in to yahoo messenger today, it was announced that there's a newer version. so i clicked and upgraded. but i can't seem to find any new functionality. ho hum.

all these upgrades surely ate up to my already minute free disk space. nah, its worth it ü

feeling philanthropic?

with just a click of the mouse, Nike will donate $1 to after school programs that get kids moving. its part of their NikeGo campaign. just head over to the NikeGoddess website and click on the NikeGo link. do it now! thanks!

Thursday, June 26, 2003


i just might be awarded the martyr award. i'm still up here in the office. i haven't gone home since yesterday. uh huh. i'm still up here because my tech app developer is not yet done with the app that is scheduled for testing tomorrow later today. other producers would not do this. but since i was once a tech app developer, i know that this pakikiramay means a lot to them. that's why i'm stay up this late, erm, this early.

but i got to use her week-old laptop. neat.

schlum scum

for this app that we're slaying ourselves into, we are using a pretty new platform. its using SATML technology. i dunno what it freaking stands for but its strongly supported by the SIM Alliance. mygath! whatever made RabbleRouser decide to use this platform, i'm pretty sure i disagree with it. the services are hard to promote, additonal app dev time since its app dev is different from the other 2 telcos, and its freaking s ----- l ----- o ----- w.

fuck! its emulator has to be turned on first before you can use it. i think its a pretty stupid idea of putting in that feature. i haven't seen any other emulator where you have to turn on the phone first before you can view / test the pages. freak. oh, its also eats up 90% of your pc resources. it is such a hog. its one classic example of a bloated app. grrrrrr.

on screen

i watched The Hulk last friday with Rinoa and Door. we didn't expect a spectacular movie when we headed to the cinema. we knew then that it'll be a pretty shallow movie. with that in mind, in the end, we enjoyed the movie. we were laughing most of the time, especially when The Hulk was jumping all over the place as if the world was one big trampoline. we were even shooting remarks as the movie progressed. one guy couldn't keep his voice down and said: pare, si superman. that made the people in the cinema laugh even more. so for those of you who haven't watched this movie, please bear in mind that its really a nonsense film. just enjoy it as it is. no expectations! *wink*

nearing-natal-day depression

i'll be a year older in a month's time. and its racking and wrecking my brains. so whats been bugging me? here's a rundown list of .....bugs (?):

1. getting a year older. i'm nearing the mid 20s bracket. ugh. i'm so afraid of growing old.
2. career dilemma. should i stay or should i go? so what else is new? i really thought the re-org would help me stay here but since the 2 platforms that i'm handling are both on-hold, what else is there to do? nothing. so Head Honcho decides to assign me to a hodge-podge of special projects. whatever!
3. Trager. i swear, i'm gonna give up on him. i thought our common world was getting smaller but thats exactly the point, it was only me who was thinking that it got smaller. project detox should be in full swing again.
4. my clothes. i was pretty stupid one sunday evening and arranged my closet. it just made me realize i haven't "replenished" the clothes i took home last december. so know i'm aware that i have less clothes than i should really have. however you quantify that.
5. my butt. i want to lose weight but not at the expense of my butt. and my butt is getting smaller. arghhhhhh!!! pretty vain huh?
6. my tan lines. the proof of purchase i got from Puerto Galera are still there and i hate it. more than 2 months have passed and its still there. ugh!
7. and just about everything!!!!!


the matrix revolutions

the poster for the third and last installment of the matrix series is out. can't wait!

website facelift

the official incubus website got a facelift. i dunno when but when i logged a few minutes ago, it had a new design already. they removed the morning view flash intro already. hehe, i think they did that because the flash intro contained pictures of Dirk Lance. heeeeee :D

Monday, June 23, 2003


hey, hey, hey, its Wimbledon time once again. wooohooooo. gotta watch tv more often for the matches ü


hey, hey, hey, the sixth and final season of Sex and the City started airing in the land of milk and honey already. paging HBO Asia, when will the sixth season be aired here?

Book 5

hey, hey, hey, the new book in the Harry Potter series came out last saturday. while waiting for my computer to finish disk checking, i was able to read chapter 1. rinoa brought her book and she allowed me to read it. thanks rinoa! ü now, i can't wait to read the rest of the book. wait a minute, i still don't own a copy of book 5. i haven't got money to spare. sheesh. what a bummer.

update: while waiting for rinoa (since i was hitching a ride home), i was able to read 2 more chapters.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

may the force be with you

i just finished watching Star Wars episodes 4, 5 and 6. whew! ü

Thursday, June 19, 2003

actions speak louder than words

i haven't been blogging so i should really put something here. really i should. but i can't. anyways, gotta go.

Saturday, June 07, 2003

the friday five for june 6

as usual, i was not able to do the friday five on a friday. this has been another harassment-at-work week. sigh.

1. How many times have you truly been in love?

have i truly been in love? hmmmm, three, i guess. or maybe none. i may just have thought i was in love. hahaha.

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?

takes notice of little things...i think its one of the sweetest things a guy can do. noticing things in a girl that a girl wouldn't normally tell out loud or not really worth telling.

3. What qualities should a significant other have?

good conversationalist.... communicates his feelings well.... open..... honest.... takes notice of little things.... same wavelength.... not intimated by my bratty exterior.... fun.... outgoing.... loyal.... trustworthy and trust-ful...

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?

none, i hope.

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?

that love is unconditional. (crap! crap! crap!)

be true to yourself. be honest of your feelings. TALK!

oh gawd! this is such a mushy friday five :p


finally! i bought the Nike Triax Smooth. i am soooooooo HAPPY! :)


in the Nike product page, Triax Smooth Style #WR0070 is described as "Art meets function in a watch built for smaller wrists and refined taste. The perfect watch to wear when you're headed for the Museum of Modern Art."

Wednesday, June 04, 2003


waw waw weeeeeee! ü i've now been migrated to the new blog :)

this is super cool. neat-o.


3 is the number of trains that passed before i could finally ride. the whole train is FULL of passengers. good thing that this country is SARS-free already otherwise i would have spent a hundred bucks for cab.

3 is the number of hours my meeting with this telco took. because of it, i missed today's episode of meteor garden. damn.

lost and found

this article narrates how a Picasso piece and a study of Henri Matisse's great-granddaughter, Sophie were lost in a New York subway station and then rightfully returned to the one who left it. good samaritans still exist in these modern times.

oh btw, reading the article requires login. sign up anyway. its for free ü

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

what a relief!

i finally got to talk to Crosspatch! whoooohoooo!! i finally got it off my chest. i am sooooooo relieved. i am so positive with work right now ü

marriage & money

hey White Mommy! you gotta read this. on second thought, nevermind. you never had and never will have money problems anyway :p

the Internet browser war is over

it has been reported that the browser war is over. the software titan won. such is monopoly.

well, i'm not so much affected since i'm an IE convert. the other browser had to many bugs :p

purple cow

Seth Godin, author of the widely-popular Permission Marketing, has released a new book entitled Purple Cow. you can download the PDF version of his new book! neat.

Monday, June 02, 2003

the friday five for may 30

okay, i got tooo excited over last friday's outing that i totally forgot to do the friday five. so here i am, doing a friday five on a monday ü

1. What do you most want to be remembered for?

people affect people in a lot of different ways. one can never affect a person all in the same way. but nonetheless, i want to be remembered for my unselfish devotion to family and friends.

2. What quotation best fits your outlook on life?

"No day but today" from the musical Rent.

3. What single achievement are you most proud of in the past year?

hmmm, this is quite hard. i am most proud when i made peace with my sister last Christmas.

4. What about the past ten years?

i'm quite young so if looking back 10 years ago, i was still in high school then. for the past 7 years, i can proudly say i've lived alone, independent from my family. *smug*

5. If you were asked to give a child a single piece of advice to guide them through life, what would you say?

i'd probably tell that kid to memorize this prayer with all his heart:

Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous,
teach me to serve you as I should,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labour and ask not for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your most holy will.

St. Ignatius of Loyola
Society of Jesus

trinity and motorbikes

i watched The Matix Reloaded for the second time last Saturday. on the 14-minutes freeway scene, i particularly took note of the motorbike Trinity used. the film made use of a Ducati Superbike. its sooooo cool. how i wish i could ride on one of these ultra cool bikes!

for more screen shots of Trinity riding a Ducati, go to this link.

anybody seen Pete?

its Roland Garros time and Pete Sampras is not playing. sigh. i really want to see him back in action. paging Pete, when are you coming back? or the proper question would be, are you still coming back?