Wednesday, June 04, 2003


waw waw weeeeeee! ü i've now been migrated to the new blog :)

this is super cool. neat-o.


3 is the number of trains that passed before i could finally ride. the whole train is FULL of passengers. good thing that this country is SARS-free already otherwise i would have spent a hundred bucks for cab.

3 is the number of hours my meeting with this telco took. because of it, i missed today's episode of meteor garden. damn.

lost and found

this article narrates how a Picasso piece and a study of Henri Matisse's great-granddaughter, Sophie were lost in a New York subway station and then rightfully returned to the one who left it. good samaritans still exist in these modern times.

oh btw, reading the article requires login. sign up anyway. its for free ü


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