Friday, May 16, 2003

the friday five for may 16

1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?

i'm quite picky with drinking water since the country's tap water is not clean at all so i prefer bottled and purified water.

2. What are your favourite flavor of chips?

cheese! next would be sour cream. but i've been cutting down on chips for the past 3 months so i hardly eat them nowadays. boo hoo hoo.

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?

i can't cook at all period.

4. How do you have your eggs?

slightly uncooked sunny side up.

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?

Cher's brother. he's an excellent cook! he cooked lasagna for us. i shouldered all the ingredients, Cher took care of the place, and Cher's brother took care of the cooking.

and there's even a video game!

another one for Eminem freaks like me.

there's a video game coming out next week. titled, "Mix TV Presents: Eminem," the object of the game is to unscramble puzzles formed from the game's four videos (including "My Name Is" and "The Real Slim Shady") before the song concludes. there are six different types of puzzle modes in the game, including memory match and sliding puzzles. the video game can be played on PlayStation One or on PC.

more details here.

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