Thursday, May 08, 2003

epicurus and friendship

while searching for answers on what makes a friendhsip, i found 2 great quotations from Greek philosopher Epicurus. they are actually 2 of the 40 Principal Doctrines of Epicurus

"Of all the means which are procured by wisdom to ensure happiness throughout the whole of life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends."


"The same conviction which inspires confidence that nothing we have to fear is eternal or even of long duration, also enables us to see that even in our limited conditions of life nothing enhances our security so much as friendship."

so i began searching the Net for Epicurean articles.

what a delight! brought me back to my college days where i had philosophy subjects.

well, i'm really not in position to discuss the topic at length since i haven't understood them fully. so instead, here are 2 great reads on Epicurean philosophy on friendship. enjoy!

Epicurean Friendship
The Pleasure of Friendship in Epicurus


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