Thursday, September 22, 2005

newbies in the office read this

the messenger of UR approached an officemate and asked where Not The Photographer is seated. she didn't know. what-the-fuck. so the messenger approached me and asked the same question. i pointed him the desk of Not The Photographer and he left there a box of mooncakes.

just so you know newbie, Not The Photographer is the head of the company where you are employed. he signed your employment papers. he signs your paycheck. he provides you with an office computer. your fate is in his hands.

how can the superior of this newbie not introduce Not The Photographer? i told newbie's teammate that at the very least, the newbies should know who Not The Photographer is. nevermind all the other Gods. just not Not The Photographer.

i shake (and still shaking) my head in disbelief.


Blogger YupkiGirl said...

bratty, aliw ako sa mga codes mo ha, sadly di ko na yata kilala most ng mga tao you write about :)

7:34 PM  
Blogger bratinella said...

Yupki!!! Kilala mo si Not The Photographer. sabihin ko na lang sa yo sa MSN he he :)

11:54 PM  

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