Friday, August 26, 2005

signs i'm stressed and overworked

1.) i called up my teammate without remembering why i was calling him. thank goodness he didn't answer my call. he was outdoors that's why he couldn't hear that his phone was ringing.

2.) i missent an email to a person. the intended recipient has the same first name as the unfortunate recipient. the email contained a sensitive topic. it was about Champorado. jeez.

3.) i missent a text message to my officemate. it was for my best friend. waaaaaaah. this time, my eyes (or brain?) told me that the recipient was my best friend.

4.) i am late 3x this week. i see another HR memo coming my way. the 2 other days, i arrived 1 minute before the witching hour and the other one 3 minutes earlier.

5.) i still can't remember where i removed my Baby-G watch. i know i was still wearing it yesterday but this morning, i couldn't find it in my dresser. not anywhere in the house. the sad thing is, i feel fine. because i know i lost it because i'm lost right now. ugh! this isn't making sense.

what my seatmate told me this morning when i told her all that's been happening to me this week: kulang ka sa alak!

inom na to!


Blogger CF said...

Oh my!! When it rains, it pours!

8:17 PM  

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