Friday, September 16, 2005


1.) rain, rain and more rain. it makes me wanna sing Eurythmics' Here Comes The Rain Again :)

Here comes the rain again
Falling on my head like a memory
Falling on my head like a new emotion

2.) my strap of my Havaianas High went kaput. so to remove my depression over it, i bought 2 Havaianas Trekkers. weeee :) alaveet. ah, guilty pleasures.

havaianas addict?
*i raise my right arm*

3.) a few months back, i was so tempted to buy the blue Mahanuala shoes. but i couldn't bring myself to the counter and pay for it. mahal. gotta be a scrooge nowadays. so when i saw that it was on sale, at P800, i didn't think twice on buying it. what a bargain! the original price was four times what i paid for.

yeah, shopping spree the past few days. hek hek :)

4.) happy weekend! not for me though since i volunteered in the eyeball party for tomorrow.


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