Tuesday, June 14, 2005

undomestic goddess

i received my last Sophie Kinsella newsletter last june 4 and it said:

And stay tuned, Kinsella’s new novel THE UNDOMESTIC GODDESS hits the
shelves on July 19. As a subscriber to this newsletter, we’ll send
three chapters prior to publication—a mailing list exclusive! You
won’t find these posted anywhere else. Clue in your friends, there is
still time to sign up!

that made me pretty excited since i'm getting the new HP book on the 16th and then the new SK book on the 19th. and my birthday is on the 17th. double treat for my birthday. a-yeah!

anyways, i was at Powerbooks Megamall yesterday when i saw a stack of Sophie Kinsella books in the new releases section. i couldn't believe it. my mind and heart were racing from excitement. i wanted to scream "its the new SK book!!!" i immediately grabbed one and paid for it before anyone from the bookstore took it back from me and tell me they made the mistake of releasing it.

i'm now in chapter 21, 5 more chapters to go and i'm done with the book. i was so tempted not to sleep last night and finish the reading book. but i had the willpower to put it down and go to sleep. what made me do so? if i finish the book in one sitting (and lying down), i might be late for work again and i might get a suspension as a result. wahahaha :)

i know i can't read the book while i'm here in the office but i still brought it with me. who knows, i just might find time to finish the book. hee hee :)


Blogger CF said...

I LOVE Sophie Kinsella! hahahaha! How funny to know you love her too. :D

3:44 AM  
Blogger bratinella said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh! waaaw! another SK fan :) tee hee :)

5:00 PM  

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