Thursday, June 09, 2005


old timers here in interactive are very possessive with their chairs. yes, i'm one of them. when our chairs are missing, we immediately get mad. yes, seriously. you can sit in our chairs (restricted to our cubicles only) but when we need to sit in our chairs, better get up fast.

upon getting back from the planning session today, i saw my officemate using my chair in his cubicle. mortal sin!!!!! i stayed for about a minute in my chair and headed down to the bakery with my officemates. when i got back, i saw my chair being used by another officemate. mortal sin!!!!! how could she get it from my cubicle when she knew i wasn't going home yet?

thank goodness, i've calmed down now so i was able to stop myself from (1) printing "do not touch" and stick it at the back of my chair and (2) tying my chair to my cubicle.

just not my day, according to OJT Killer.


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