Tuesday, May 03, 2005

how can i be in 2 places at the same time?

my lola's interment will be on may 7, here in davao. OJT Killer's and Caramba's wedding will be on may 7 as well, there in makati. so tell me, how can i be in those 2 places? nah, i know there's no real world solution. haha :) i'm just wishing. i need to pay my last respects for my lola. i have a lot to thank her for especially her gift to me last year. i so want to be at the wedding not only because they are very good friends but also because i was at the engagement party 2 years ago, i tagged along with the couple in one of the wedding preps meeting, i distributed some of their wedding invites, etc.

oh what the heck. i already made my choice. i'm here in davao until the 15th of may.


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