Friday, August 15, 2003

gimmick week

i'm tired for the wrong reasons. i've been out all week (and will be out the rest of the weekend). i watched Finding Nemo last Monday with Summer Breeze and Cranberries. i saw a couple of college faces. Tuesday, i went to Makati Shangrila in the morning, lunch at Glorietta and then tried a formal dress at Luna. Wednesday, i watched Finding Nemo for the second time and then watched another movie, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, 30 minutes after finishing Finding Nemo with Rinoa and Door. the usual Thursday inuman. and then dinner with roomies tonight. Tiger's baptism (finally afer 6 years!!!) tomorrow afternoon. White Mommy's bridal shower tomorrow evening. AVP shoot for White Mommy and Black Daddy's wedding on Sunday. and i still don't have anything to wear for the wedding! i still don't have gift for Tiger tomorrow and for the wedding as well. ugh!


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