Tuesday, August 05, 2003


White Mommy told me yesterday that she dreamt about me and Trager. my gath! what an absurd dream. she said i will bump into him soon. oh please, i'd rather bump myself into a wall.

now, i'm so scared again of walking / strolling alone in my neighborhood. ugh!!!! oh well, i'll just keep on praying that her dream will never happen.


meritocracy is defined as a social system which allows people to achieve success proportionate to their talents and abilities, as opposed to one in which social class or wealth is the controlling factor.

pretty fair huh? yeah, but its all in the words since meritocracy can only exist in a utopian setting. i have yet to see meritocracy in action. especially in this forsaken office.

getting serious

the discussions i had with friends today were downright serious. super serious. we talked about our future. how we should start planning for it, acting on our plans, achieving our plans, and hopefully, realizing our dreams. its too much for a work day. i will have to cut everything into pieces these next few days and chew them well before i finally tell my family and my friends my future life ΓΌ


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