Tuesday, July 15, 2003


i've just been asked by Head Honcho what i'm doing now. and i quote:

"hey brati, what's up with you? what are you doing now eh there's no voice and video? hehehe."

putang ina niya! he was the one who fucking gave me those assignments and he was the one who fucking announced that those platforms are on hold.

i couldn't keep a straight face. i knew i was quivering when i answered. he replied:

"pero konti pa lang na launch natin with them."

whattdya expect asshole? didn't ya know that Smile Angel and i have been working out butts off for months already. sometimes we don't even sleep just to finish one service.

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. i am so pissed off. i can't continue ranting coz i all that comes out of my mind and mouth right now is "FUCK!".


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