Friday, December 24, 2004

i almost missed my flight...again!

i missed my 5AM flight to Davao last year. it was the ABS-CBN Christmas Party and we partied till the wee hours of the morning. i couldn't care less what time it was, even if i haven't packed my bags yet, coz i was having fun! :) hahaha. so when i headed to the airport, there was a mile-long line so obviously i won't make my flight as it was already one hour before the scheduled departure. nonetheless, i was able to get a later flight and i was in Davao in the same day.

a part two to that story would have happened last sunday. knowing that the ABS-CBN Christmas Party would be on a friday, i booked a sunday flight. i wouldn't want to make the same mistake or my mom would hang me. swear, she really would. this time, i packed ahead of time. (atta girl!) i also couldn't risk sleeping as i have the habit of not waking up to alarms. so i stayed in the office and played, what else, tantra. i played till 1am.

and then i said goodbye to my officemates and to my lovely cubicle, headed home, fixed my room and headed to the airport. when i reached the airport, the line was 2-mile long. i instantly panicked! i was already imagining myself being hanged by my mom. there was also a shortage of carts and i had 2 bags, a glass trophy, a backpack with me. i was hauling them all my by 2 small hands (really, i have 2 small hands for my height.)

luckily, the guard hollered "yung mga walang cart, dito na pumila". thank goodness! there's a shorter line. it was already 4AM. i was able to get in after 20 mins. panic panic panic! i dragged all my stuff from the rightmost side of the airport as my check in counter was counter 7. when i reached the counter, it was already close. i was begging the lady to accept my ticket. luckily, there were other passengers who came and begged the lady. she got our tickets and checked us in.

after i got my boarding tickets, i called my sister and told her to pick me up at 7AM. whew! what a relief! i took my time going to the cashier to pay for the terminal fee. when i got past inside the pre-departure area, it was announced in the PA system that it was already last call for boarding for my flight. cold sweat drenched me. i ran from the middle of the airport, to the leftmost side (my gate was S01). i was out of breath by the time i reached the bridge leading to the aircraft.

when i got settled in my seat, that was when i was able to relax. as planes make me sleepy, i dozed off to sleep even before take off. so i woke to the announcement that we were 15 minutes away from the destination.

so there. i hope i've learned my lesson well. i promise to be at the airport 2 hours before departure. haha :) let's see :)


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