Saturday, November 13, 2004

a rush of blood, II

last monday's TVC shoot costume requirements are the ff:
- bold colors
- streetwear
- 4 sets
- no blue

pretty clear right? so when Grand Champion arrived, i immediately asked him about the costumes. he said in tagalog: i'm wearing my costume already. huwhaaaaaaaat? he can't be kidding me since he was wearing a black shirt. i am so sure that black is not a bold color. so i went to look for my team mate to call Grand Champion's manager and reprimand her for not following the costume requirements. and then i went to look for Koya and ask him why was there only one set of costume and definitely not in bold color. Koya replied in tagalog: black is a bold color right? and then my blood pressure skyrocketed. i asked Grand Champion's road manager to provide him with bold colored shirts. they came back with a dozen shirts alright but the brand of the shirt was too flashy. we had to make do with the black shirt. good thing that we are reshooting. sigh.


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