Saturday, June 26, 2004

i miss my cubicle

seriously, i do. i haven't been "staying" in my cubicle for the past 3 days. take wednesday, i was in Jedi Master's cubicle all day long. it took us the whole day to migrate to the new platform. thursday was brainstorming day for Game Zone's tagline. friday was spent at Talent Center.

i miss sitting the whole day in my cubicle and doing some work and some not-work. i miss listening to my preferred music. i miss its crampiness, where i'm bound to spill my glass of water. i miss resting my feet on my Altec Lansing speakers. i miss sitting yoga-style with my shoes on.

but i don't miss Cross Patch talking to me from 5 meters away, barking orders and asking irrelevant questions.


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