Monday, June 07, 2004

fake plastic trees

i found out last saturday that friendster has been unblocked from our network. so today, i logged in and added 3 friends. click here. click there. and i found out that one of the people in my network removed me from her list of friends.

its not that i care that i'm not on her list. i just feel its too much a coincidence that i saw her today, she sat in front of the cubicle where i was seated (not my cubicle) while waiting for her friend, and i almost had dinner with her.

life is plastic
its fantastic


Blogger YupkiGirl said...

ate! knowing friendster's reliable (sarcastic voice here) network, baka naman it appeared she deleted you from her list? sometimes, i do not even have a friends list, not that i have that many friends wahahahaha. wala lang, mag-comment ba daw akech?!

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

relationships are not defined by a list of people or testimonials

11:06 PM  
Blogger bratinella said...

okay okay! *hands up in the air* i rest my case.

8:58 AM  

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