Saturday, February 07, 2004

saturday lunch

to my delight, i'm not eating my saturday lunches alone anymore.

earlier today, i had lunch with Dakila, Carambs and Carambs' parents at Manangs. i love eating at that place. okay, okay, that was a semi-biased comment coming from an Atenean ΓΌ

i also had lunch at Manangs last weekend with Denialqueen, Dakila, Carambs and Kulet. thinking about my health status, its been 2 weekends of cardiac delight for my heart.

my second weekend here in the jungle for 2004, Denialqueen was my lunch date. we ate at Ken Afford because she was craving for their lumpia.

my first weekend after my month-long vacation, i had food delivery. pathetic, eh?


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